Just In
for Forever

4/21/2017 c1 2Acerman
Ah, that was nice. It was so peaceful in the middle. I think it would be cool to see an interaction in present and not told, but it was told well. Everyone affects everyone
2/18/2017 c1 DeusVult995
nice one!
1/12/2017 c1 JauneBrando
Dam I didn't expect this one shot made me manly teared a bit.

Very Niceu one shot
4/10/2015 c1 Onsholo
You did a very good job with this crossover.
10/22/2013 c1 10SanShine
Thank you very much for writing a heartfilling story like that. Morturii te salutant.
3/10/2013 c1 177636kei
Geez, so that green haired girl was a hallucination, after all? A Specter, perhaps?
12/22/2012 c1 1Garibaldi the Black
A truly beautiful story. Even if the premise is questionable, the final product is a heartwarming story.
3/9/2012 c1 1LucidProphet
beautiful you sir are an awesome writer this was so wonderful.

This needs more publication, this goes straight to my favourites.
8/9/2011 c1 6Le loup de Kaiser
Nicely done. A beautiful epic. If only there was more...but i guess this is more than enough. Well done.
12/25/2010 c1 49Writer Nightpen
This is so beautiful. The premise sounds so outrageous, but it turns out so well. Bravo.
10/18/2010 c1 Chargone
the absurdity of this story's premise is matched only by how well it actually turns out.

only minor complaint is this bit:

"What you do next is up to you. But there are consequences for everything you do. If general Quintus Julius' will does not ."

that first full stop wants to be a comma, as the part after it is meaningless by itself. I didn't realise what it Actually said until i went back to copy it for this review.

that aside, this story is getting favourited. it's just that well written.

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