Just In
for Morning Trance

2/27/2013 c3 mega mario6
i have read up to here yet i don't know chrys's gender
5/3/2012 c29 3LeCait
Hey, you should update. Nooooowww... xD

I really like this story, I don't want it to FAAAADDEEEE AWAAAAAY!
4/11/2012 c2 Manser77
I'm sorry but everytime I see Gizz I pronounce it in my head as jizz.
4/5/2012 c29 1leavemaloneinthemakebelieve
Oh plz update soon! I love ur story. Really interesting plot. Nice idea!
2/1/2012 c29 ElysaMalfoy
Whoa, you updated.

You haven't lost your touch, everything's fine.

I haven't read any PJO fanfics in almost one year, it's a nice change from all those Dramione ones I've read recently.

(: Update soon.
1/28/2012 c29 hunterofArtemis1132000
Awwww... Poor Chrys!Please update!
1/28/2012 c28 15little-miss-fire-starter
Omgg I liv this story!it's so good, n ur awesome too! I jus wish the chappies wud b a bit longer but oh well. Hope u post soon.
1/27/2012 c15 hunterofArtemis1132000
1/27/2012 c5 hunterofArtemis1132000
That was kinda weird but in an awesome way!
1/27/2012 c2 hunterofArtemis1132000
5/30/2011 c7 thisstorysucks-ntreally
She is 13 and saying the f word to her mom? My mom would smack me to next week!
4/2/2011 c27 9CrystleIceFire
love it, please update soon its awesome, and don't worry about the whole not updating thing, It happens all the time.
4/2/2011 c27 Solar-Arrow
Nico can be really deep. nice touch and timing with Julian waking up. It seems exactly like what would happen in a published book (if that makes sense) great job!
4/2/2011 c27 ElysaMalfoy
Yaay, finally a new chapter! And a good one as well. (:

What Nico did was really cheesy, do you think a boy would ever do such thing ?

And yet I think it is somehow sweet. Great chapter! Can't wait for the next one!

Luna. ^^
3/3/2011 c26 Make A Wish
I LOVE this chapter! Update Soon!

I'll be waiting :)
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