Just In
for The Darkest Hour

7/22/2013 c7 1jedigirlsc
Emily is really great in this story
7/22/2013 c6 jedigirlsc
bye Jacob
7/22/2013 c5 jedigirlsc
Poor Bella :(
7/22/2013 c4 jedigirlsc
Glad the Cullens are back for Bella.
7/22/2013 c3 jedigirlsc
At least Jacob won't keep fighting with Edward.
7/22/2013 c2 jedigirlsc
Edward is back in time!
7/22/2013 c1 jedigirlsc
very good so far!
7/19/2013 c10 24Camilla10
Post New Moon fics are Legion, but in very few of them I found an E&B dialogue as significant and intelligner as yours.
7/19/2013 c3 Camilla10
I don't know how I missed this story. What a nice surprise. I am reading with pleasure.
You should mark it complete, though.
7/6/2013 c32 pudget12
So I read this story and enjoyed it very much. I also read chapter 1 for Jacob's Ladder but am unable to locate it on your author page. Please advise :-)
6/22/2012 c28 1962
Loved the proposal! It was perfect.
6/22/2012 c27 1962
When you lose someone their is no words that can really help, having Edward having just bieng there holding her loving uncondly was perfect.
6/22/2012 c26 1962
I really liked this chapter it very hard to discribe the loss of a loved one, close or not. I think you did a wonderful job. And it did give closure to Renee. You really did a greely job with one.
5/28/2012 c32 NJ94
I hate to see this come to an end, but all good things must at some point. The epilogue was shorter than I thought it would be but it was beautiful. Good job and even though some of the updates were longer apart than others, I'm glad you finished it. So may authors lose interest in their stories and don't finish them even though there are people waiting on updates and endings. so thank you for this. Bravo!
5/28/2012 c32 Mary Alice 7
Loved your story so much and patiently waiting for more!
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