Just In
for The Darkest Hour

2/16/2012 c31 1962
I know I have not sumited a review in forever, but I suffered 2 great losses in my life this past 18mo. But I'm getting back with everything and I'm so glad your still writing this wonderful story. I loved this chapter. Beautiful done tying everyone in, cliffhanger a little anoying but good haha. But now that was in Dec. when are you posting again? Can't wait, please hurry.
12/19/2011 c31 Rasa.Ra
Loved the ending, beautiful work! I think this story is one of the best that I have read:) congrats on finishing it and will wait for epilogue
12/15/2011 c31 NJ94
Wow what a nice Christmas present! That was a awesome chapter! This has been such an awesome story and although I hate that is has to come to an end, alas all good things must. You have done an amazing job of writing this; both grammatically and not including so many details it gets convoluted. Billy's speech was awesome and I was almost crying by the end of it. Thanks for sharing and for finishing this story! Good luck on the new one. I will be keeping a look out for it. Again, bravo on a story well done!
8/19/2011 c30 9BAFan
"Bella's eyebrows furrowed. Jasper guffawed as he watched her expression and felt her dawning suspension and apprehension. 'You're not taking him to a strip club, are you?' she asked." Um, dawning suspension? Do you mean suspicion?

I loved this chapter! Edward's lapse into emo land, then the banter between Bella, Jasper and Emmett prior to the bachelor party, culminating with the easy give and take between Jacob, Bella and Edward - just great! And Leah's taking yoga and meditation? LOL.

Can't wait for the actual wedding, hopefully followed by the actual honeymoon? *waggling eyebrows*
8/19/2011 c29 BAFan
Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I reviewed. Sorry 'bout that; real life has been somewhat rough this year.

"Mad, bad, and dangerous to know." Yes, it was said by Lady Caroline Lamb about Byron. His treatment of her certainly didn't help anything, but I rather think she had some problems even before the relationship with Byron.

I'm glad Bella is finding some self-realization, finally. As I'm sure you've gathered by now, I always like to have things explained, so I hope to read a bit more about how Bella came to this epiphany, if that's the correct term. Thank goodness she listened to Carlisle about not stressing herself with the job-hunting. And, yay, apparently there will be a wedding in the near future after all!
7/9/2011 c11 kheine
Crying like a baby. Love love love your story
7/5/2011 c30 NJ94
That was a great chapter. I am sooo glad Bella is moving forward instead of back. All the pack changes...whoooo! Bravo!
7/4/2011 c30 juney83uk
Another really great chapter can't wait to read more
3/11/2011 c29 juney83uk
Another really great chapter
3/10/2011 c29 NJ94
Wonderful chapter! I was so excited to see an update. I think the journey that they have taken and been a long and rough road, but they are finally finding peace. The last part was beautiful. You can literally see the growth that they have done, both with themselves and each other. I can't say it enough: Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!
3/10/2011 c29 fairyprincesspaige
Fantastic! Definitely worth the wait! I really like that Bella sees the need for emotional changes and healing. It takes the story to a whole new and very real level. Cant wait for a new chapter!
2/1/2011 c19 BE4Ever
"However, her demand that I respect her choices carried significant weight. In the past, I had always made decisions for the two of us, and I always thought that by doing so, I was protecting her from her worst enemy, herself."

Hmm. I don't quite get this. Edward sure didn't consider Bella's desires much in the past, but it seems to me that he was always trying to protect her from HIMself, or from the wolves, or from the dangers of his world. I mean, that's why he left, right? Unless you mean it in the sense that Bella is a magnet for danger? I guess that could qualify as protecting her from herself...

So...Bella going to the baby's grave - very touching. And Edward is finally questioning his deep-seated belief that his chief role in Bella's life is to protect her, because it seems to me that this was the underlying problem in the past. Yes, he loved/loves Bella, but that wasn't his primary focus. I'm not saying this very well because my thinking is a little muddled, but maybe now Edward can accept the role of being a lover instead of a guardian.

A sex talk with Rosalie? Okaayy... On to the next chapter!
2/1/2011 c28 BAFan
And I thought the previous chapters were emotional! Good grief, Amy, I almost had an anxiety attack reading this one, wondering what the hell was going on with Bella. It's so frustrating not knowing what she's thinking, lol. Poor Edward, getting rebuffed for everything he tries to do to help. I think he's a candidate for sainthood right now!

"She was the kind of person who took her duties very seriously. I could tell that it rankled her to do so little for Phil. She would find it difficult to leave him behind, to move on without doing what she could. She was the type who found psychological protection in the cathectic activity of helping others. As long as she had a purpose, a duty, as long as she felt somewhat in control by being the one to provide for another, she was able to stave off unwanted emotions— emotions like guilt, fear, and abandonment."

You're spot-on with this. I had to look up "cathectic," btw :-D. I agree that Bella gets more than a little obsessed with being responsible for the well-being of others. This description is especially appropriate now, when she's so overwhelmed by everything. I know this story is from Edward's POV, but I have to say it's very frustrating to once again not know what was said during a pivotal conversation - in the past with the Cullen females, this time with Jasper. I really hope you put these up as outtakes at some point. Oh, and forget what I said earlier about Edward being a candidate for sainthood; I think he just achieved that status when he actually left the vicinity so he couldn't eavesdrop on Jasper and Bella's talk. Not that Jasper couldn't have replayed it for him, if he wanted to. But I guess Edward is too saintly now to invade Bella's privacy like that, lol.

Bella slept for 14 hours? Damn, I hope Jasper let her have a few human moments before beginning their discussion. There's no way my bladder would have held out for that long! *g*

This was a wonderful chapter, one of your best. Everything came together and rang true, and B/E are one step closer to being together, finally! Please?
1/30/2011 c28 Mirkwood19
So, I just stumbled upon this story today and read through all 28 chapters this evening. All I can say is that I prefer your story to the actual events played out in the books! I have always felt that Jacob imprinting on 'Renessmee' felt incestuous and awkward.

You capture the characters as they were originally created in the books very well. Everything is very believable. You have some really great moments through out that feel so natural and add richness to the story. One of my favorite lines was when Edward was listening to Bella's heartbeat as she feel asleep, imagining that for a moment it was also his own.

I hope you pursue this hobby and develop more great literature in the future. Not to mention, I hope you add more chapters soon :) Oh, and I don't know about the other readers, but I'm certainly not opposed to any chapters that drift into the M category...

Not that that's the only reason I'm reading... geez!

1/30/2011 c28 NJ94
That! And you just had to stop it on that note :)hehe. What a chapter. You do such an amazing job describing the grief, emotions and insecurities that Bella feels. Edward's emotions and feelings are intense also. I really loved Jasper's part in this chapter. Bravo on another awesomely written chapter!
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