Just In
for Isn't it Romantic?

10/3/2010 c9 hfspc
I had to remind myself to breathe when I read the part where he took her from behind in front of the mirror. Holy shit, that was hot!
9/12/2010 c9 6Jenzy Shelton
-stands, claps- Bravo! Perfect ending to a wonderful story! Now, sadly, I have to go help with the dishes. I can't wait to see what you come up with next. -chuckles-
9/12/2010 c8 Jenzy Shelton
-sniffles- That was so sweet! -dabs at eyes with tissue- Seriously. That was perfect. Now onward to the sex! Btw, I still think you should show the writers a thing or two. What the fans REALLY want.
9/12/2010 c7 Jenzy Shelton
It turned out to be more than just okay. It's fan-freakin'-tastic! I can't wait for the smut. ...there IS gonna be smut, right? -rushes forward- Baby needs smut, c'mooooon!

That sounds kinda crazy, like all I want is smut. That's not true. I just really like your smut. And your smex. It's all so...well...real. Especially for those of us not gettin' any IRL. Heh. .;;
9/12/2010 c6 Jenzy Shelton
I love this. It's something I can totally see House doing. You seriously need to go to Hollywood and show this to the quacks that write for House. This is SO much better! SOOOO MUCH! Not a little bit, a lot! It's crazy! C-R-A-Z-Y!
9/12/2010 c4 Jenzy Shelton
Awwww. He's a little OOC, but I like it! No, no I LOVE it! It fits perfectly. I'm sorta glad I didn't find this until now, so I can read it all at once. Bwahahaha.
9/12/2010 c3 Jenzy Shelton
"Because it IS Cameron." I busted out laughing at that. XDDD Very Jimmy-ish. Perfection. -nod-
9/12/2010 c1 Jenzy Shelton
So far, I love it. I'm off to read more. I know this isn't much of a review, but...-shrugs- I've said my peace. I love it. Everything in general. -rushes onward-
6/15/2010 c9 wild-parrot
this is just terrific. cute and not OOC. :)
4/2/2010 c9 1DMC182
WOW! (and that is a bigger wow than the last chapter) :D I loved it... are you thinking about a sequel, maybe, maybe not... :D:D:D Faourited!
4/2/2010 c8 DMC182
WOW! "thats my girl" I loovoove this chapter.. i think its my favourite so far! :D:D:D:D Oh and thank-you fo rincluding the motorbike,, love it!
4/2/2010 c7 DMC182
Ah! i actually cant give and feedback other than it was fantastic! And i LOVE this story ! :D:D:D
4/2/2010 c6 DMC182
Wow... houses cleverness (a word?) is on a new level completely! I love it... Wow... Chapter 7.. *squee*...x
4/2/2010 c5 DMC182
O! I cant wait to find out what house is up to... Oh and that chapter was amazing,, I got that shiver up my spine and the butterfiles to! :D
4/2/2010 c4 DMC182
.." and you'll be in my dreams until then".. Oh my gosh, PURE LOVE! Oh and id like to let you know that i just made myself look like a right fool as i have this tendancy to to clap and aww when I think something is amazing and Im in the living room so my fmily think im extremly wierd,.. :D:D:D lol
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