Just In
for Running Away

10/24/2011 c1 1Mrs-Lahote-Black
I wouldn't blame her for running cause Bella is so DAMN indecisive that she plays with our smexy Jacobs heart..but WHY-Jess should've gavee Bella a piece of her mind, Jacob too!
8/15/2010 c1 forrealihatethissite
Thank you, haha, if it weren't for this story, I wouldn't have found that song! It's fabulous! Your writing is awesome, I almost started crying
6/24/2010 c1 BakerStreetIsLastRefugeOfHope
A great story. Very well written.
2/21/2010 c1 16Isabell Winchester
I am loving this
2/19/2010 c1 EclipseLover97
keep going your doing great
2/18/2010 c1 1night1001
I love it! Please update soon! Oh and what's the name of the song you put in the story?

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