Just In
for A New Rival

10/17/2012 c3 flee27
7/31/2012 c1 PAMILA DE CASTRO
gostei, mais a Seras é mais obediente, e o Alucard nunca brinca as coisas que ele diz sempre são verdades, e as mais estranha né, abraços
6/26/2012 c3 2HellVampAlice45
LMAO ok ok now tht was funny...poor seras i knew she need to hav more blood packs or else the vampire within her talks to her lol!
6/26/2012 c2 HellVampAlice45
...seras is soooo weird but funny at the same time lol...good luck sereaz oh n plzzz hurry n make more chpts!
6/26/2012 c1 HellVampAlice45
awwww poor seras blast the masked man to kill HER prey...loll its good so far lol
11/28/2011 c3 16Melody Lynn Kamiya
will there be more?
11/5/2011 c3 s.a.w
Hey i really love this story:D youve got real talent plz write another chapter soon
10/25/2010 c1 16He will knock four times
interesting with the mechanical body sceme... kind of a 'terminator' meets the movie 'van hellsing'
5/15/2010 c3 3KingofStrawberries
Awesome! I loved it! Beautifully written!

Can't wait to meet those bastards Stake! *And see em' get kicked by Alucard~*

You know... Changing the story's rating to "M" would be... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! *fangirl scream* But it's up to you really, I mean who would want to see lemon and Alucard x Seras fluffy time? Or hardcore blood spatting when Alucard kicks ass?

-Anyway I still love this story, no matter what you do with it! So keep up the good work B.!

5/7/2010 c3 kathochan
update soon.
5/2/2010 c3 14SickDeath
Very interesting story! Please keep on writing.
4/27/2010 c2 9Ludifer
M interesting so far, hopefully this will get even more interesting :D.
4/26/2010 c2 42Random Romantasist 999
Oh, I can't wait to see how Alucard reacts to Seras's "solution". I think it would be easier if she would just suck it up, and drink the blood. I really am interested in this Stake organazation. Oh, and you did a wonderfl job on that fght sceen in the last chapter, even after a year (coughmorecough) I still suck at those.
4/22/2010 c2 10icediamond7
cool:) please continue
3/8/2010 c1 JMai know, that's actually a good idea. Robot's can't be bitten and therefore can't be turned into a ghoul so that would actually make them a good choice to kill vampires. Nice idea!

Can't wait to see what happens next!
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