Just In
for Sanctuary of the Shrine

3/8/2020 c1 The ChocoGoat
Haha wait where's the rest
2/1/2020 c1 Guest
Por Danny sama siguiente con la historia por favor
2/1/2020 c1 Guest
Sigue con la historia por favor
11/14/2018 c1 Guest
If you ever continue thos that would be cool, have a good day.
3/17/2017 c1 Ghost Sol
What the hell?! Why is it cut off so suddenly?! This can't even be considered a cliffhanger!
10/12/2016 c1 ZeroExia
Is this story abandoned?
2/23/2016 c1 2ElizabethBathog
This is really interesting and i would like to read more so i hope you some day update this! :)
2/10/2016 c1 TOTES AWESOME
this story is great so please update
9/24/2015 c1 Winter's Folly
Why can this not be finished~ or continued, it sounds fantastic.
10/12/2014 c1 light specter cyan
Why you don't continue this?! Is so cool!
6/14/2014 c1 secretwhovianpony
More! More! Please, I beg of you! More! This is to awesome to leave as it is right now! Plus, it's left at a evil cliffie!
1/5/2014 c1 killer4853
12/29/2013 c1 Boomerpyro
More, and please dont make as story where danny goes all "nah, im not holy at all, im just danny." because he is sooo much more than that
10/18/2013 c1 Sakura
Update soon plz
7/6/2013 c1 3ravecrazeglitch
shrine god huh? cool
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