Just In
for Gone

4/22/2010 c1 1ReducedToRedemption


Girl, you blow my mind.

This story should be a multi-chap for sure.

You can't just leave it open ended like that!

I mean, you *can*, but who wants that?


The point is...

this story is just TOO good to let up.

Stick to it, and i will be your slave for life.

Or a day.

Or Something.


4/13/2010 c1 6EmmKaylikesMusic
this made me cry, it's so amazingly touching:)


4/4/2010 c1 moscalover
my mom has cancer too, she just had chemo, luckely she didn't loose her hair, well actually she has it already 12 years and now she has a good donor for white blood cells, it's a perfect match so I hope everything's gonna be okay now... anyway, you have to continue the story! you're such a good writer!
3/19/2010 c1 2obsessedANDaddicted1
this is very good, u should make it multichapt! i love it and the idea 4 this story is amazing! a lot of writers would agree with me, trust me ;) update soon please!
3/11/2010 c1 5Jane-E-Kirsted
So good! Please update this story fast, I am dying to know what happens next! You are a good writer. I like your style, but check for grammar and spelling errors. Any way, great overall idea and story.
2/25/2010 c1 5sunnyDemi
I really really like this! update soon!
2/25/2010 c1 2luckyme123
wow! that was really awsome! =D

im not sure weather u shood make it multi or not...u decide!

2/25/2010 c1 Belle of Books
I don't review SWAC but this was really good for some reason. I'm not sure! It was really sad... but good! Chad left and Sonny became the brillant star but still longs for Chad. Real good.
2/25/2010 c1 Rajjxbc
AW so cute! continue peaz :)
2/25/2010 c1 Channy fan
U should totally continue and have sonny go to a town for an intreview or something and then see Chad there

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