Just In
for A Child from Another Sky

3/2/2010 c2 HeWhoReads
Guess who? LOL. I actually didn't read this yet (*So why is he reviewing?*) D: shut up, self. anyway, I actaully didn't read this yet, I will don't worry! (Once i get to it XP) Just wanted to say that I found you. :)
2/26/2010 c2 1Suzume Sai Suzuki
I really like your story, I hope you write more.
2/26/2010 c2 50GammaTron
Me: I likr this story.

Kaze: Poor Yume-chan...I hope she has a better life...

Dark: Eggaman-Hakase...Kamikorosu...*holds up his tonfa*

Kaze: I second that, Dark! *takes out a katana*

Me: Hi! D-Don't!

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