Just In
for Black Blood: Naruto of the Hollow Smile

9/17/2021 c2 Anime100
This is truly interesting to read; please update soon

I wonder if Naruto will help Hinata to grow more confident and also stronger?
3/31/2021 c1 Guest
Okay stalker lover aka Hinata.
9/25/2019 c2 Chara
Hey, pls continue da book.
11/27/2018 c1 Oathmeal
I'd like to ask if it's ok to add ten-ten into the harem if it's not to much trouble nya I was also wondering if naru would be able to do other things with his scythe besides extending it with chakra like launching chakra waves/slashs and maybe also if it's supernatural…would Naru also be able to become half neko as well?
10/27/2018 c2 4Monster King
Great story i liked it a lot
2/9/2018 c1 valdezranger98
i like this story please continue
1/30/2018 c2 brywallace03
This is pretty interesting
12/5/2017 c2 Borello
really interesting.
7/20/2017 c2 Guest
Please oh please continue this story
2/3/2017 c2 Guest
That was an amazing story(vampires rule!). I started reading fanfiction because I got tired of the manga which featured a weak,loud,obnoxious and obviously colour blind Naruto(seriously what kind of ninja wears orange?!)but reading your story I really appreciate that you wrote this cool and amazing story. Rock on!
2/4/2017 c2 Lovethefanfix
This story is amazing! Please try to find time to update!
12/3/2016 c1 GhettoZorceress
11/11/2016 c2 jaucelin
this is one of the best fanfics I have ever read thanks for making such a good story
11/5/2016 c2 Shisui'sGF
Please continue , this story is one of the best stories I've ever read
4/16/2016 c2 Master Xehanort
I love it so keep going my friend.
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