Just In
for Black Blood: Naruto of the Hollow Smile

3/31/2016 c2 rhizz17
Update please please
10/23/2015 c2 coolchick87
I love your story please update it real soon . Thanks.
8/13/2015 c2 Guest
Please write the next chapter
5/10/2014 c2 Phantom Frost
Please for the love of whatever god update this story
12/31/2013 c1 1Toby860
I like it but I don't want anko or hinata in the harem
10/17/2013 c2 Overhauled-91
Noooo, where's the rest?.?
9/24/2013 c2 Toby860
good story so far.
7/11/2013 c2 DaemonKing40
Dont add hinata her and sukura are so overused not even the village leper would touch them other then that if youve played skyrims dawngaurd dlc could you incorperate the death hounds or even the skills for the vampire lord? If so thanks, if not oh well no bigge. Would do it myself but i dont hav an account.
4/30/2013 c1 jd1995
OH MY GOD! You should write a book seriously your idea's for this challenge is amazing... you should definitely continue this story!
5/1/2013 c2 StrongGuy159
Cool 2 chapters continue please & add Ayame to the Harem.
2/22/2013 c2 7Eagle12
Dude this is awesome, hopefully you aren't going to do what most people do and that is have him forgive his mother for being a bitch. Great story and please update soon
2/19/2013 c2 Demoninside2
update please
12/9/2012 c2 Arai kaji
A yes for hinata, but why not have her family descended from angels and when goes to turn her make her into a blood angel. Also you could have Naruto drink her blood and gain black feathered wings, and new abilities.
11/23/2012 c2 holtjustin04
I like it I'm wonder what's going to happen to the uzumaki family I vote that naruto forgives them eventually and become something more but if it doesnt happen I'll still read this story and can you add sasame to the harem since no one trys this paring
10/27/2012 c2 NARUHINA 4 EVA
I want to Assistants all the naruhina haters, Don't like it then go **** yourself, NARUHINA 4 EVA I vote hinata and no other in the harem :D
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