Just In
for Black Blood: Naruto of the Hollow Smile

10/5/2012 c2 1Diamondstar the Seeker
What is Naruto pair is? Will he be with Hinata? Please, say yes, if not then it's okay, will you continue the story and why don't you put Sai in team seven.
8/29/2012 c2 9Dregus
naruto adopted into the family of the strongest vampires, and esentially spitting on the grave of his former father. thats a good way to start a fic!
8/24/2012 c2 AllenAndArth
oh naruto is going to bang girls*0*9
vampire sexyness
8/1/2012 c2 ElementalMaster16
too awesome to stop writing this... SO UPDATE! PLEASE!
1/26/2012 c2 12Gold Testament
Why the hell haven't you updated this in over a year?
1/21/2012 c2 2pandoravanity
come on man! what kind of writers block does it takes you two years.i rarely read good naruto vampire fic.just continue writing the damn thing
1/21/2012 c2 Agato - The Hadou Inari
Great...Now how about putting this fic back into your brain and getting to work on it again?
12/14/2011 c2 OmniSavage
very nice i hope to read more soon.
12/12/2011 c1 OmniSavage
nice chapter but i have to say it felt like you were advancing through the story too quickly without much details in the flash back,started around the time he pulled the scythe out of the scroll.
11/21/2011 c2 4Findarato
Please place Hinata in harem, update this story and tell what will be Naruto's relation with his sister.
11/1/2011 c2 Lanzador
Awesome story. I can honestly say that this is one of THE best naruto beginnings I've ever read. Looking forward to an update.
9/12/2011 c2 5devilman95
Please man update the story it's epic
8/7/2011 c2 2122boy
Please update it have been soo long
7/16/2011 c2 211jboy44
like it and please make this naruto x hinata
6/30/2011 c2 1LunarCatNinja
I just LOVE vampire Naruto stories, and this one is AWESOME!≡∩W∩≡
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