Just In
for Black Blood: Naruto of the Hollow Smile

4/29/2011 c2 1Not In Use Anymore 35
Have Naruto trained to uses some of the techniques from Black Blood Brothers like the ones Jiro Mochizuki, Zelman Clock, and Cain Warlock. Will you add Kowloon Children to the fanfic.
1/30/2011 c2 2Pokeflip1
This story is like jizz pants AMAZING! But I think he should be more cheerful. Femhaku should be in the pairing
1/30/2011 c2 friedrice4life
Hinata is way to over done. Wat about shiho? Good story update soon
12/18/2010 c2 6Flameus
11/16/2010 c2 4Zaralann
Super story! Post more!
11/5/2010 c2 7Myra the Dovahkiin
great story. keep writing. update soon. I can't wait to read more! This is getting interesting.
10/7/2010 c2 Living in Darkness
woooow i can't wait till the next chapter is up!
9/25/2010 c2 FenrirCrinos
excelent work men

continue this good work

ja nee
9/7/2010 c2 3srdo
Nice Story, I'm really looking forward to any updates
9/6/2010 c2 Neliel Tu Oderschvank Espada 3
this is asome cant wait for more
9/6/2010 c2 2Shraikor
"Off with their heads!" well thats what i want to say but somehow it doesn't seem appropriate for vampires...(sniff) can't wait for more!

8/11/2010 c2 1Silvdra-zero
nice, very nice. love the story although in my opinion, and it's only an opinion, you went a little overboard with Naruto's hate of his father, like he could have drastically altered the jutsu's as a means of spiting him. but then again his life was seriously screwed until he met Vadimir. can't wait for the next chapter
8/8/2010 c2 Trickster King Chaos
personally i'm a diehard naruhina fan and love seeing them together and even more so in harem stories. also great work so far
8/4/2010 c2 Malix2
Interesting fic I guess. I really hate when people say somebody /shouldn't/ be in a harem. I mean the whole point of doing a harem is so you don't have to pick one character over another for the pairing. I mean maybe if you had a limit as to how many should be in the harem, and somebody else fit better with the plot, but I'm guessing the reason they gave was something like "It's overdone" or other such crap. If people didn't want to do stuff that has been done to death before, they'd have to start only pairing him with filler characters or OCs, because every main cannon female has been done before countless times. I mean hinata might be the most common pairing, but that's simply because she was essentially created for him. I mean think about it, what other purpose does she serve in canon? I think I read once that she was originally going to be a civilian, but the author changed his mind at the last minute. That tells me that she was meant to either be a romantic interest, or a filler character, as those are the only things she could've really done as a civilian. And seeing her obvious attraction to naruto since the very first episode, it's pretty obvious it was the former. Authors generally don't write something into a story without a reason for it. Well, unless hinata is one big red herring, which would get a lot of the fans pissed off.

I mean I could see leaving her out if there was something in the plot that precluded her, or if the number of pairings was limited, and other characters fit better, but I just don't believe it can be overdone. Maybe in a single pairing it might be a little overdone, but the whole point of the harem is that even if the readers don't like one of the pairings, there are other pairings there for them to read, thus eliminating the monotony. Anyway, I say that unless somebody can come up with a good reason related to the plot that she shouldn't be included, let her in. I'm tired of people leaving her out because 'It's overdone'. Lots of things in fanfiction are overdone, but they keep doing them because they work. Like the whole naruto getting beaten within an inch of his life as a child thing. That never happened in canon but it's all over fanfiction, do people complain about that being overdone? That spans more stories than simply the naruhina ones, it spans all pairings, yet it gets complained about less than naruhina. Face it people, every main character has already been overdone, but stories with just OCs or filler characters would kinda suck depending on how they're done.

In short, being overdone or the readers disliking a character are not legitimate excuses for the writer not to use them. If the writer likes them and has a plan for them, the negative opinions of the readers don't matter. Unless they come up with a logical reason why the pairing just wouldn't work, or how a different pairing would work better, then I say feel free to ignore them and put whomever you want in the harem.
7/31/2010 c1 Ppsh
Ugh. This was good up-till Naruto became an angsty emo twat, with the typical ipod and all!

Not to mention introducing godly-OCs is always a mega-fail.
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