Just In
for In A World of Fragile Things

2/17/2016 c9 Bev358
Love it
10/26/2013 c9 68Desertfyre
Awesome story! Loved it!
8/1/2013 c9 DoneWith
The story was truly amazing! Well thought out and written like a true writer. You could be the next Richelle Mead or Stephen Kind. It was captivating, and pulse-pounding. You write her fear like it is.
2/9/2013 c9 10madnessofsilence
But, wait, Jack...oh, huh...I have a feeling this lovely moment isn't going to last long. Especially when the Emersons show up.
1/7/2011 c3 42The.Clown.That.Smiles
Nice to see a chapter here from Paul's pov. Rare, and it was great. I liked the relationship between him and Laddie. You could tell, in the movie, he was close with Laddie, and you did it great between the two. I also liked that you mentioned Dwayne thought fondly of the youngest lost boy as well.

There was a little sting in my chest the way Star was written here, but it's something I can ignore. On that note, I was surprised to find Star didn't care for Laddie, and niether did he for her. As, in the movie, I always saw Star as the type to shield him away from the boys, give him shelter and comfort...
1/6/2011 c2 The.Clown.That.Smiles
The interaction with Bailey and Paul was great. It came across as natural, realistic, and not rushed. I absolutely love how you have written Paul here, he is most IC, and you have his traits pegged.

I had a few giggle moments when reading this chapter, and I loved that Paul continuously called her babe or brown eyes.

Nailed him down to a T.

The descriptions with the scene on the carousel was great. I felt I was standing there, observing the boys like she was.

I always fear and get excited in stories when OC's meet the boys. Always love to see how authors write it. Great job with that.

Liked their little meeting, and their talks. Amusing, it flowed well, and it was most realisic.

The end sent very chills up my spine. *Shudder* Me thinks the boys were keeping a close eye on their crazy brother.

Fabtastic chapter!
1/6/2011 c1 The.Clown.That.Smiles
The relationship with your OC and her family is great, and I liked your reason on why they moved to Santa Carla. In many stories, I've seen the author have no real reason why their OC moves to a town which is the Murder Capital of the World.

Good reason.

So far, I like your OC, she seems an average girl, and thank goodness she isn't portrayed as some whiny teen who needs everyone to love her, and has heartbreaking problems. Stupid and way over done.

Good chapter!
6/24/2010 c2 3CarvedKid
Haha I love this so far. And I love how he refers to her as Brown Eyes. Great job, it's one of the first Paul/OC stories I have ever read and you've got me so intrigued. :)
4/28/2010 c9 natsumi1217
your story is really good! its one of my favorites! :)
4/1/2010 c9 anna
Finished? Damn, now what am I gonna read?

Great use of songs peppered throughout the story; I swear its like you stole my I-pod or something! Seriously, great story, great characters and great atmosphere. Don't stop writing!

3/31/2010 c9 8ThexHushxSound
This was a great Story. Looking forward to the sequel!
3/30/2010 c9 Hollywood Angel
i love this story and can't wait for the sequel :D
3/30/2010 c9 DiaDeLosMuertos
i can't believe this is the last chapter but it was a great ending! can't wait for the sequel ^_^
3/30/2010 c9 611Ghostwriter
Awesome. I'm sure you have the sequel all planned and everything, but can I request that you keep Michael and Sam in the mix and make them vampires? Ple-e-e-ease? If you don't like Star, maybe make up some other chick for Mike? I loved this. Catch ya on the flip side.
3/29/2010 c8 Hollywood Angel
Great chapter i can't wait to see what happens in the next one :D
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