Just In
for What Dreams May Come

3/23/2010 c6 1superkawaii
Nice progression. I especially liked the last paragraph.
3/20/2010 c5 201SuperKawaii
Yep it was short but dreams usually are. I like the concept you have come up with. It's like delving into the psychology of the characters. Your exploring the psychological impact of years of living together but like strangers and the need to resolve whatever emotions and connections exist between the two. I can only imagine how their dreams change for both the better and worse, reflecting desire and fear as they get closer. Good luck, I think you have taken on a big job.
3/17/2010 c4 MeoSua
This chapter is quite short but I enjoy reading it. However, I think Rukia is much stronger than she was in your story but it's just my opinion. Plz update soon.
3/17/2010 c4 1SuperKawaii
Short chapter but lots of awkeardness on Rukia' part. Whats next?
3/14/2010 c3 vicky
It's very beautyful and sad story! Poor Byakuya and Rukia! Update soon please!
3/13/2010 c3 1SuperKawaii
Don't keep Rukia dead. Happily ever after please.
3/13/2010 c3 3eddante
I really loved it. I like the way Byakuya is forced to confront his feelings for Rukia in the dream. Well, at least a part of it anyway. Please update soon. :)
3/10/2010 c2 201SuperKawaii
Nice take on their family relationship. The dream really lets out her fears and frustrations. Their relationship here is true to the characters, if they were real. I couldent imagine living with someon for so long who wouldent even look at me. Its kind of abusive. Im not sure if the character would ever take out his frustrations on her but if they were real people I could see it happening, no real person could stay so perfectly controlled all of the time.
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