Just In
for The Fox Hunt

4/2/2004 c2 The Randomful Trio
Wow. I love these kinds of stories CONTINUE OR I WILL... ah... um... DO SOMETHING VERY BAD... LIKE HACK UP YOUR CEDIT CARD!... uh... yeah...
1/18/2003 c2 reviewer
She's gonna be feelin' that one in the morning...
10/30/2002 c2 8ArcticVaporeon
Very nice ^_^ Poor vulpix ;_; Save her!
3/30/2002 c2 16The Delphox Of Delphi
Not bad.

It will be interesting to find out what happens later.
3/12/2002 c2 Zita The Celestial Houndoom
Hey! Still cool! Houndour is cool! I like Houndour better, but Growlithe is cool too. This fic is cool! I need more of it! More I say! ! I'm not as demanding as I seem, but no one seems to LISTEN TO ME!
3/2/2002 c2 11Dark Wolf of Teros
I love the foxhunt so far, i can't wait for the next chapter. ^_^
2/27/2002 c2 HellFireFanatic
o_O cool! very good! do more!
2/26/2002 c2 1Jessiekat
WOOOWWW! WRITE MORE, WRITE MORE! That's /good/ stuff, wow! I command thee, write more D
2/26/2002 c2 13Morbane
Verrrry cool. I like this girl. Go Blazer and Hot Streak! But isn't the girl being too easy on Mauler - doesn't she need to exert a bit more authority? Guess we'll see. *deep breath* COOL FIC!
2/18/2002 c1 Morbane
KEWLLLLL! I think this is going to be interesting... no, kidding, it already is. Way to go, L-S!
2/2/2002 c1 3Calypso1
Like I said, LOVE the idea... it reminds me of that story about Vulpes. So cool to bring an idea like that into the Pokemon world... you know I'll be waiting for the next part.
2/1/2002 c1 Demi
Oh my gosh. Evil woman! Girl, you better write more of this. In the meantime, keep writing!

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