7/1/2015 c1 Guest
I love the goo goo dolls! Lol I played the song as it was being read by me, But my fav. Song by them is slide , don't get me wrong I love iris but slide is my favorite ! Also good story I love it
I love the goo goo dolls! Lol I played the song as it was being read by me, But my fav. Song by them is slide , don't get me wrong I love iris but slide is my favorite ! Also good story I love it
9/4/2011 c3
i think it was perfect to be honest:o) i did start wondering when her friends would come back into play but realized it didn't really matter because the story is amazing as is :oD...looking forward to more sots with you:oD ciao;oD

i think it was perfect to be honest:o) i did start wondering when her friends would come back into play but realized it didn't really matter because the story is amazing as is :oD...looking forward to more sots with you:oD ciao;oD
8/22/2011 c2
7Myra the Dovahkiin
great story. keep writing. update soon. I can't wait to read more! This is getting interesting.

great story. keep writing. update soon. I can't wait to read more! This is getting interesting.
8/22/2010 c2 tichtich2
:O O.M.GOBLINS! im so happy that you continued it :D
at first it was just really good now it is SUPER good! i reall enjoyed it and i cant wait to see what song sarah is going to pick and what the ball will be like :D
thanks for writing another chapter and i cant wait for the next one :D
your faihtfull reviewer
:O O.M.GOBLINS! im so happy that you continued it :D
at first it was just really good now it is SUPER good! i reall enjoyed it and i cant wait to see what song sarah is going to pick and what the ball will be like :D
thanks for writing another chapter and i cant wait for the next one :D
your faihtfull reviewer
5/13/2010 c1
35Onyx Wildcat
Holy hell woman...-fans herself- That was naughty! -Grins- So...where's the rest? -Narrows eyes- Huh? Ya just gonna tease us, aren't ya? lol Can't wait to see where you go with this ;)

Holy hell woman...-fans herself- That was naughty! -Grins- So...where's the rest? -Narrows eyes- Huh? Ya just gonna tease us, aren't ya? lol Can't wait to see where you go with this ;)
4/24/2010 c1
I ADORE the line : "Wave goodbye to your friends."
Oh, I got Sarah's tingles by proxy. The lucky bint.

I ADORE the line : "Wave goodbye to your friends."
Oh, I got Sarah's tingles by proxy. The lucky bint.
3/27/2010 c1 midnightshadow93
Otay ! ... listen to me ... YOU NEED TO DO ANOTHER CHAPTER AND LIKE PRONTO ! this is like really really good :) cant wait to read the next chapter :D man now im like so geked :)
Otay ! ... listen to me ... YOU NEED TO DO ANOTHER CHAPTER AND LIKE PRONTO ! this is like really really good :) cant wait to read the next chapter :D man now im like so geked :)
3/27/2010 c1 tichtich2
:O thats all i can say because that is all i can think it was that well written and also :o because you ended it there ... please dont stop it now it was just getting really good :P
keep up the amazing work and for the love of the underground please write another chapter :P
your faithfull reviewer
:O thats all i can say because that is all i can think it was that well written and also :o because you ended it there ... please dont stop it now it was just getting really good :P
keep up the amazing work and for the love of the underground please write another chapter :P
your faithfull reviewer
3/10/2010 c1
7Lakara Valentine
ah! please tell me you're not ending it there? tho i guess that's as good a place to end as any. absolutely love this fic, and thanks for using iris, i've been looking for that song for forever but didn't know what it was!

ah! please tell me you're not ending it there? tho i guess that's as good a place to end as any. absolutely love this fic, and thanks for using iris, i've been looking for that song for forever but didn't know what it was!
3/7/2010 c1
7Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf
Very nicely done! ^_^ I loved the two dance numbers. 3
"open to his waste" -'waist' - fix that and it's perfect.
Thanks for writing!

Very nicely done! ^_^ I loved the two dance numbers. 3
"open to his waste" -'waist' - fix that and it's perfect.
Thanks for writing!
3/4/2010 c1
I love all three of those songs and I can definitely see how they can tie into Jareth & Sarah, although Feelin Love can pretty much apply to any couple, but Iris & Uninvited are very Labyrinthy. I can't seem to wrap my head around Sarah stripping, though. Kind of a strange surprise for her friend. And it's totally not fair that Sarah strips but Jareth doesn't. ;) Thanks for sharing. :)

I love all three of those songs and I can definitely see how they can tie into Jareth & Sarah, although Feelin Love can pretty much apply to any couple, but Iris & Uninvited are very Labyrinthy. I can't seem to wrap my head around Sarah stripping, though. Kind of a strange surprise for her friend. And it's totally not fair that Sarah strips but Jareth doesn't. ;) Thanks for sharing. :)