Just In
for Uninvited

7/1/2015 c1 Guest
I love the goo goo dolls! Lol I played the song as it was being read by me, But my fav. Song by them is slide , don't get me wrong I love iris but slide is my favorite ! Also good story I love it
9/4/2011 c3 2Princess of the Fae
9/4/2011 c3 4neverest
i think it was perfect to be honest:o) i did start wondering when her friends would come back into play but realized it didn't really matter because the story is amazing as is :oD...looking forward to more sots with you:oD ciao;oD
9/4/2011 c3 1mynagoldenwings
I enjoyed you story very much!
8/22/2011 c2 7Myra the Dovahkiin
great story. keep writing. update soon. I can't wait to read more! This is getting interesting.
8/30/2010 c2 MichAre1a
Good story so far! Can't wait to read more! :-)

8/22/2010 c2 tichtich2
:O O.M.GOBLINS! im so happy that you continued it :D

at first it was just really good now it is SUPER good! i reall enjoyed it and i cant wait to see what song sarah is going to pick and what the ball will be like :D

thanks for writing another chapter and i cant wait for the next one :D

your faihtfull reviewer

5/13/2010 c1 35Onyx Wildcat
Holy hell woman...-fans herself- That was naughty! -Grins- So...where's the rest? -Narrows eyes- Huh? Ya just gonna tease us, aren't ya? lol Can't wait to see where you go with this ;)
4/24/2010 c1 8BreathOfNocte
I ADORE the line : "Wave goodbye to your friends."

Oh, I got Sarah's tingles by proxy. The lucky bint.
3/27/2010 c1 midnightshadow93
Otay ! ... listen to me ... YOU NEED TO DO ANOTHER CHAPTER AND LIKE PRONTO ! this is like really really good :) cant wait to read the next chapter :D man now im like so geked :)
3/27/2010 c1 tichtich2
:O thats all i can say because that is all i can think it was that well written and also :o because you ended it there ... please dont stop it now it was just getting really good :P

keep up the amazing work and for the love of the underground please write another chapter :P

your faithfull reviewer

3/20/2010 c1 13melonkitty
Dear God! Don't end it there! Please, just post one more chapter...please!
3/10/2010 c1 7Lakara Valentine
ah! please tell me you're not ending it there? tho i guess that's as good a place to end as any. absolutely love this fic, and thanks for using iris, i've been looking for that song for forever but didn't know what it was!
3/7/2010 c1 7Trelweny Rosephoenixwolf
Very nicely done! ^_^ I loved the two dance numbers. 3

"open to his waste" -'waist' - fix that and it's perfect.

Thanks for writing!
3/4/2010 c1 18UndergroundDaydreams
I love all three of those songs and I can definitely see how they can tie into Jareth & Sarah, although Feelin Love can pretty much apply to any couple, but Iris & Uninvited are very Labyrinthy. I can't seem to wrap my head around Sarah stripping, though. Kind of a strange surprise for her friend. And it's totally not fair that Sarah strips but Jareth doesn't. ;) Thanks for sharing. :)
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