Just In
for Knowing and Hoping

6/1/2010 c12 2OnceaSuperWhoLockian
Haha, at first I wasn't sure how I felt about it being the epilogue so soon, I felt like there was still a bit missing from the story. But overall I feel like the epilogue did a great job of making it all feel wrapped up. You did a wonderful job with this story and i Hope to read more Puckleberry by you in the future!

6/1/2010 c6 aclassicistkitten
Fantastic just fantastic.
6/1/2010 c5 aclassicistkitten
I liked how Finn found out in here then in the show. This was an awesome chapter.
6/1/2010 c3 aclassicistkitten
This chapter was inense I loved it.
6/1/2010 c2 aclassicistkitten
I'm really liking this story.
5/25/2010 c11 seacat03
I wish that was how Rachel had treated Jesse on the show!
5/10/2010 c11 3namelessanomoly
This is so fun to read. Can't wait for more! :)
5/6/2010 c11 Dewymornings87
Haha that was dope shitz man. Hilarious. Haha end it nicely yea?
5/3/2010 c11 1emmacat1234
freaking awesome! rachel used the word pwned in a sentence, love this a story. i say you keep jesse in the story be4cause i find your jesse fascinating :D
4/26/2010 c11 2OnceaSuperWhoLockian
AHAHAHA this story is so great! I love the way you write Rachel! The way you mix the drama and the humor is also fantastic. please update again soon!

4/26/2010 c7 ale.ale.ale1221
I, aleja1, swear to review every story I read from now on. Every chapter shall get a review, for reviews make writers happy. I will not prejudice against age, number of reviews, or anything else, because one review makes authors happy.

that is reason number 1 of why i'm reviewing reason 2 is your story is AWESOME. i think you are an amazing writer
4/23/2010 c11 the leading lady
Oh how I wish this happened in the show! Jesse is a douchebag XP x
4/23/2010 c11 FREAKTONIGHT
Hot damn! Lol, this was a funny chapter :D BUT SPOILER ALERT! I'm in oz i havent seen it yet:( (he uses her in the 1st ep?)
4/21/2010 c11 35SharonH
This was a really good one. And I'm with you. I hate Jesse, all i keep thinking is how long are we going to have to deal with Smarmy Man?
4/21/2010 c11 10dot-dot-dot0
ahahaha love it! :)
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