5/5/2010 c1
aww TOO cute! But I dont think there IS such a thing as too much fluff xD. unless you go too far... LoLz I loved! Your an AWESOME writer! xD

aww TOO cute! But I dont think there IS such a thing as too much fluff xD. unless you go too far... LoLz I loved! Your an AWESOME writer! xD
3/21/2010 c1
Can I just say one little thing?
That was ADORABLE!
I loved it!
And just to let you know,
this one-shot did NOT suck!
And I love fluff.
Sonny's a little straight-forward, isn't she? ;)
Loved it.
Didn't I say that already?
Oh, well, your story deserves it! :)

Can I just say one little thing?
That was ADORABLE!
I loved it!
And just to let you know,
this one-shot did NOT suck!
And I love fluff.
Sonny's a little straight-forward, isn't she? ;)
Loved it.
Didn't I say that already?
Oh, well, your story deserves it! :)
3/12/2010 c1 Sara
That was really god! Just a couple of spelling mistakes but I still liked...alot! :)
That was really god! Just a couple of spelling mistakes but I still liked...alot! :)
3/11/2010 c1
You are SO swet :D Awhh! I can't believe you dedicated it to me *blushes* D'aw I'm glad you like my stories :D Haha I'm like that all the time, I just keep willing for the happily ever after! Have done ever since I watcher those cheesy Disney films ;D
I loved your idea! Normally people do 'friends with benefits' but yours was much more original XD I loved the beginning, the little hints about Chad liking Sonny and her not even noticing is so incredibly sweet :)
Tawni and Skyler! That's intersting :D I think they'd make a really cute couple :D Plus the whole Sonny get bummed about Chad saying it's unclassy (man I coulda hit him then :P) Awhh but the NEXT bit! Oh My Chad, awesomeness :D You write kisses very well! The whole thing was completely guh :D Haha when Sonny thought Chad didn't wanna be friends with benefits, I was screaming that she got it all wrong :P Then he wanted to be her boyfriend! D'aw! I love Chad :) And then they kissed ... Again! Gosh I wish they'd hurry up and get them together in the show! I want my Channy ever after *sulks* Oohh and I'm glad that Skyler manned up too :D
Thankyou so much :D This story was honestly awesome :) I will definitely return the favour when I can get rid of the virus on my computer :P Thanks again :D
-Much love, Abbie (Everafterjunkie)

You are SO swet :D Awhh! I can't believe you dedicated it to me *blushes* D'aw I'm glad you like my stories :D Haha I'm like that all the time, I just keep willing for the happily ever after! Have done ever since I watcher those cheesy Disney films ;D
I loved your idea! Normally people do 'friends with benefits' but yours was much more original XD I loved the beginning, the little hints about Chad liking Sonny and her not even noticing is so incredibly sweet :)
Tawni and Skyler! That's intersting :D I think they'd make a really cute couple :D Plus the whole Sonny get bummed about Chad saying it's unclassy (man I coulda hit him then :P) Awhh but the NEXT bit! Oh My Chad, awesomeness :D You write kisses very well! The whole thing was completely guh :D Haha when Sonny thought Chad didn't wanna be friends with benefits, I was screaming that she got it all wrong :P Then he wanted to be her boyfriend! D'aw! I love Chad :) And then they kissed ... Again! Gosh I wish they'd hurry up and get them together in the show! I want my Channy ever after *sulks* Oohh and I'm glad that Skyler manned up too :D
Thankyou so much :D This story was honestly awesome :) I will definitely return the favour when I can get rid of the virus on my computer :P Thanks again :D
-Much love, Abbie (Everafterjunkie)
3/11/2010 c1
I love friends with benifits kind of stories. This was so cute! I loved it! Lol, I feel kinda sorry for Sonny though, she walked in on Tawni and skylar, that was hilarious!

I love friends with benifits kind of stories. This was so cute! I loved it! Lol, I feel kinda sorry for Sonny though, she walked in on Tawni and skylar, that was hilarious!
3/11/2010 c1 CountryIsMySoul
THAT WAS AWSOME! This is the first reply to my challenge. IT means alot. you did a wicked job!
THAT WAS AWSOME! This is the first reply to my challenge. IT means alot. you did a wicked job!
3/10/2010 c1
I liked the end so much! Cute! But the beginning was kind of awkward. Not very much but enough to be slightly uncomfortable. Still, keep up the great work!

I liked the end so much! Cute! But the beginning was kind of awkward. Not very much but enough to be slightly uncomfortable. Still, keep up the great work!
3/10/2010 c1
This story~
~Is a Beast.
Really, though, this story is great!
And cute.
And great.
Did I say that already? :D
don't stop believin',

This story~
~Is a Beast.
Really, though, this story is great!
And cute.
And great.
Did I say that already? :D
don't stop believin',