3/1/2014 c16 Guest
2/19/2014 c1 Oddball0997
YOU HAVE TO FINISH THIS! I apologise that you didn't seem to get any reviews when you first started this story, which is ridiculous because I'm loving it so far, but look!
You got over 60 reviews!
Maybe you got writers block or something, I don't know (I'm sorry but when I clicked on your profile I thought it said that you had died or something and I fell out of my chair :D sorry for laughing, it's a serious matter really) but if you just look up plot twists or something, you might get ideas!
I swear, if you do complete this story, I'll get my sister to do some fanart (yaay) and I'll send you some virtual birthday cake (yummy) _ please? xxxx
YOU HAVE TO FINISH THIS! I apologise that you didn't seem to get any reviews when you first started this story, which is ridiculous because I'm loving it so far, but look!
You got over 60 reviews!
Maybe you got writers block or something, I don't know (I'm sorry but when I clicked on your profile I thought it said that you had died or something and I fell out of my chair :D sorry for laughing, it's a serious matter really) but if you just look up plot twists or something, you might get ideas!
I swear, if you do complete this story, I'll get my sister to do some fanart (yaay) and I'll send you some virtual birthday cake (yummy) _ please? xxxx
1/5/2013 c16 Guest
More! I demand you write more!
More! I demand you write more!
10/2/2011 c16 CelebrianSilver
I luv ur story plz plz plz keep writing more plz plz plz
I luv ur story plz plz plz keep writing more plz plz plz
7/27/2011 c4 zodiacgem01
A few lines away from the bottom, Zoltan says "I'm not far off from the city little one, tell me when you do leave the walls the second and not a moment after." I believe that you meant "I'm not far from the city, little one. Notify me the second you leave the walls, and not a moment after." or something like that. Most fanfictions I've read have good plots, but bad spelling and grammar. In my opinion, your story have a good plot, but many grammatical errors. I know it's not easy writing a story, since I've tried to write stories myself. Sorry if I sound like a nerd.
A few lines away from the bottom, Zoltan says "I'm not far off from the city little one, tell me when you do leave the walls the second and not a moment after." I believe that you meant "I'm not far from the city, little one. Notify me the second you leave the walls, and not a moment after." or something like that. Most fanfictions I've read have good plots, but bad spelling and grammar. In my opinion, your story have a good plot, but many grammatical errors. I know it's not easy writing a story, since I've tried to write stories myself. Sorry if I sound like a nerd.
6/11/2011 c3 zodiacgem01
You said "My guard it's let down easily", which sounds like Thena is saying her guard is let down easily. I believe you were trying to say "My guard isn't let down easily." I don't want to seem rude. I've also tried to write stories and I've found it very difficult. (Look at my name. Is it familiar?)
You said "My guard it's let down easily", which sounds like Thena is saying her guard is let down easily. I believe you were trying to say "My guard isn't let down easily." I don't want to seem rude. I've also tried to write stories and I've found it very difficult. (Look at my name. Is it familiar?)
6/11/2011 c2 zodiacgem01
I thought it was "Skulblaka sven", not "Skulblakas ven".
I thought it was "Skulblaka sven", not "Skulblakas ven".
4/29/2011 c16 hollie houghton bullen
this is a very good story and I wish for you to continue it please I would be very gratful.
this is a very good story and I wish for you to continue it please I would be very gratful.
2/14/2011 c16 no name but regular readre
Your story is amazing...very well written...u have a brilliant imagination...please continue...im looking forward to read the ending!keep up the good work!
Thank u!
Your story is amazing...very well written...u have a brilliant imagination...please continue...im looking forward to read the ending!keep up the good work!
Thank u!