Just In
for Don't Say, Sing

11/4/2010 c1 dontfeellikesigningin
that was amazing
7/19/2010 c1 8Panda Slippers
Very, very cute. :)
6/7/2010 c1 11turnupthemusicx
Felt like it was time to read one of your stories, realised you write a lot of SWAC fics, and for some reason i dont like reading them, so sorry. I dont even read Jay's SWAC, ahaha. But i noticed you had a CR story. and decided to check it out, and let me tell you, I wasn't disappointed. It was seriously, so cute. I loved all of it. Smitchie forever, right? ;) Sucks about Jemi now though :( Oh well, they'll find their way back to each other, trust me.

-Jade :]
4/27/2010 c1 96thesoundofsunshine
I loved the changed Taylor Swift lyrics. She's one of my favorite artists.. and this song is one of my favorite. And, I liked how you wrote the lyrics out. Putting songs in stories can be a very difficult thing to do. But, I liked how you did it. "Heck the whole camp knew. Except apparently Shane." Isn't that how crushes always are? Haha. I love when guys get defensive because they think it's about someone other than themselves that the girls are crushing on. (I'll wait a minute for that to sink in.) Yea. Well, I enjoyed the ending. The last line where it's so expressive and detailed.


Can there please be some kind of epilogue with a bird song? ;P
3/29/2010 c1 Sarah B
That was brilliant! Sigh, if only you were a writer on CR2 haha Awesome story =)
3/28/2010 c1 Chrissa Todd
i liked it but when he said he wanted to kick his own ass she should've actually gone sarcastic and said you can kick your own ass your that flexible thats amazing do it! do it! i wanna see :P idk he would've figured it out but it would've been funny
3/23/2010 c1 7heartbreakingXbreathtaking
This was so cute! I loved how Shane was all clueless and wanted to kick the guy's ass! I'm super happy for them too, I think they have something special but at the same time I'm worried. Being in a relationship is hard, especially in their line of work and I just hope that if (let's hope not) but if they break up they can still stay friends.
3/14/2010 c1 AngelzRule33
i loved it! shane is thicker than a post! :D i like the way he change the song at the end.
3/14/2010 c1 BloodySundays
Don't lie and say that this wasn't very good.

It was amazingly great and I loved it! :D
3/14/2010 c1 6JoeJonasBiggestFan
Oh my gosh jemi got together?when? Please tell me tuebdat and the name of the video so I can see it and I even thought demi and joe swore they went dating I my gosh please tell me youre lying even bought I LOVE jemi, I want joe what about the age dfrenece? Plead rite back quickly

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