Just In
for A Hero's Prologue

8/1/2013 c47 81607hannah
This was such a great story, I read it so quickly over two days and I'm surprised it hasn't had more reviews. I absolutely loved it, the way you shaped all the character's background histories and in such dept, I really liked your character Catrine and was so gutted for Guy, poor man. Thank you for giving me a lot of inspiration for my own Robin Hood story and for such an awfully good read. It was fantastic! Can't wait to read your other stories.
9/6/2011 c7 ilovebeingme4ever
I truly love it so far and I hope I continue. It's amazing! Great work!
7/10/2011 c46 Kelthar
Just read the story... all 46 chapters of it. Can't find the words to explain how well this fit with the show. I'm now feeling the need to watch it all again. :D

Thank you and I hope you continue to write as well as this.
6/14/2010 c46 Frosty
Finally finished reading it! This was an amazing story though...poor Guy. I really liked the way Catrine was written, she was one of those characters you love to hate. I liked the way that you incorporated little details from Robin Hood into your story (the small dagger Guy welds once belonged to Catrine, how Dan lost his hand etc...) Have you ever thought about writing a short prequel about Catrine's life before she met Guy? That would be interesting to read, and it would also probably give readers some sympathy for Catrine (with her being controlled by men all her life and whatnot). Anyways,just a suggestion.

6/12/2010 c1 gemini
Wow! This was impressive! Hope you write more stories like this...they are really good
4/17/2010 c46 165anneryn7
Lovely, lovely job! Thank you for writing this!

Definitely one of my new favorite fics on this site!


4/17/2010 c8 anneryn7
I honestly do try to review for every chapter of a story that I read, BUT this one is SO obviously fantastic, I literally could not bring myself to stop reading.



4/10/2010 c1 50poyntersally
I really like it so far!

I can't wait to read the next 45 chapters. :)
4/7/2010 c1 8marylinevelyn
I love this beginning! The Marian/Robin dialogue is awesome, it's exactly like they talk. Keep up the good work.
4/7/2010 c46 Cindy4806
You did indeed give the reader an insite to why Guy is the way he is. Thanks !
3/29/2010 c43 Cindy4806
Guy is now in the sherrif's influence.

Thanks for the update even if my heart is broken for Poor Guy
3/29/2010 c42 Cindy4806
Oh my so sad . What will Guy do .
3/26/2010 c40 Cindy4806
Gripping story. oh please let Cathrine be OK. Guy will die if she dies . Thanks!
3/19/2010 c24 Cindy4806
Wonderfully written story! Just discovered it and read it in one sitting. Can not wait to see how Guy and Catrine's relationship fairs. Thanks!
3/17/2010 c4 41Novindalf
Wow, that was... rather gruesome. Am not sure whether to trust Laena or not.
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