2/23/2011 c3 MiraDoruArisu
Lol... Awesome story. Hehe... If I had written this, I sooo would have made Kamui the retard...
Lol... Awesome story. Hehe... If I had written this, I sooo would have made Kamui the retard...
2/23/2011 c3 MiraDoruArisu
Lol... Awesome story. Hehe... If I had written this, I sooo would have made Kamui the retard...
Lol... Awesome story. Hehe... If I had written this, I sooo would have made Kamui the retard...
3/24/2010 c3
Oh, things are heating up! Which is ironic, considering Celes is supposed to be really cold XD.
I never liked Ashura. Just, never did. But Fai is awesometastic. And poor, poor Subaru-kun! Nobody believes him! Aww! Stop being such a nO0b, Kamui!
I love the way you write in dialouge form. It's not as tiresome to read as all the descriptiveness most authors (including myself) use. Great job. And also good for you: You actually update! I . . . heh, um, yeah, about that . . .
Do you have any other websites you use? Perhaps if it's one I use, we could become interweb friendz! But I'm not a stalker. O.0 And again, awesome job!

Oh, things are heating up! Which is ironic, considering Celes is supposed to be really cold XD.
I never liked Ashura. Just, never did. But Fai is awesometastic. And poor, poor Subaru-kun! Nobody believes him! Aww! Stop being such a nO0b, Kamui!
I love the way you write in dialouge form. It's not as tiresome to read as all the descriptiveness most authors (including myself) use. Great job. And also good for you: You actually update! I . . . heh, um, yeah, about that . . .
Do you have any other websites you use? Perhaps if it's one I use, we could become interweb friendz! But I'm not a stalker. O.0 And again, awesome job!
3/22/2010 c3 Miki Shirayuki
That is so funny.please continue don't worry about updating but please continue.It is great.
That is so funny.please continue don't worry about updating but please continue.It is great.
3/18/2010 c1
Forgot this two: absolutely fell down DYING whith "Subaru Sumeragi, ready to go! HAPU!"
I must agree with your likes and dislikes. And isn't Chaos just the bomb? ^^

Forgot this two: absolutely fell down DYING whith "Subaru Sumeragi, ready to go! HAPU!"
I must agree with your likes and dislikes. And isn't Chaos just the bomb? ^^
3/18/2010 c2 LeiCross
Oh MY GOD that is so funny! Subaru is such an idiot. I mean I love Subaru, and I love Kamui, and I love Seishirou, but LOLOLOLOLOL! Please update that is the funniest thing ever!
Oh MY GOD that is so funny! Subaru is such an idiot. I mean I love Subaru, and I love Kamui, and I love Seishirou, but LOLOLOLOLOL! Please update that is the funniest thing ever!
3/17/2010 c2 Miki Shirayuki
In well Subaru is a complusive idiot,I personally like kamui way better.Such a funny story please continue.as for Feather King Chaos is because he is only in the anime and isn't one of Clamp's origanal characters,But one of my friends is working on it right now.Forgive my terrible English.
Miki Shirayuki
In well Subaru is a complusive idiot,I personally like kamui way better.Such a funny story please continue.as for Feather King Chaos is because he is only in the anime and isn't one of Clamp's origanal characters,But one of my friends is working on it right now.Forgive my terrible English.
Miki Shirayuki