Just In
for Together

11/27/2011 c1 15Breeluv
Cute story

Inukag forever!
7/12/2010 c1 8sosha20
i have nothing to say, other than: wonderful, beautiflu story :) write more stories please, you're very good
4/15/2010 c1 22oxsugarxcoatedxo
Aww that was so sweet. I loved it so much. You did a wonderful job.
3/20/2010 c1 4GrlWthAThrnNHrSd
That was very sweet.

I like how you incorporated Inuyasha's past feelings for Kikyou and his present feelings for Kagome and managed to show the differences of the love he feels for each girl. Personally I feel like Inuyasha's reaction to Kagome's pregnancy would be different, but hey. It was well written and I enjoyed it. Now Miroku and Sango won't be the only one's with little one's running around.Though Inu and Kagome have some serious catching up to do...Haha! Great job on writing such a sweet, fluffy fic.

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