Just In
for A Mother's Hope

12/19/2016 c1 CharZLover
12/22/2015 c1 37PrayerGirl
11/5/2015 c1 27CharlieBoneFan
So perfect.
11/4/2012 c1 2Wicked Lovely 17
LOVE IT. wish it was longer though! :D i want more! :D
8/30/2012 c1 AquaHummingbird
When I read this I smiled so wide, you could've confused me for Cheshure(The Chesire Cat)!
5/30/2011 c1 2Perfectly English
I randomly thought of this and so returned for a little read. It's still as beautiful as before (I reviewed as capitaine soffye) thanks for this story :) x
4/12/2011 c1 1NekoLupin
Very nice! congratulations!
3/15/2011 c1 Mary Hyde
Oh my, the Hatter came up the rabbit hole for her! I know others have done this sort of plot line but not like this - I can actually SEE him. Excellent work.
7/23/2010 c1 173BuzzCat
So nice! I like how this was told from Helen's point of view. Too many are from Alice's. You have written this in a most admirable way my friend.
7/18/2010 c1 25PhoenixWytch

Thank you for writing.
7/13/2010 c1 BeanieBabay890
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! what a lovely story!
4/12/2010 c1 14allthenobodyppl
I loved it! I hope you'll write more Alice fics!
4/8/2010 c1 jigsaw324
its really good!
4/7/2010 c1 126SilverLunarStar
This was so cute and sweet! He came for her~! Aw! ^_^

I love how she tripped and he caught her. *sighs*

Haha, mommy dearest doesn't sound very happy, but it seems that she's very happy for her daughter, so that's nice, at least.

Nice job!
4/2/2010 c1 5joannak
Very interesting fic! You write Alice´s mother´s thoughts of hatters very well. (sorry about my english)
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