Just In
for The Blizzard

11/23/2024 c28 greenleemacy21
This is amazing! I hope you find your way back to this story! I need it to never end xx
6/10/2024 c27 EndlessGloaming
This has been such a gripping story with so many nice nods to canon, such quality angst, and such hot lemons. Of course I'd love to see more, but I understand you have no obligation. Great work so far.
2/24/2024 c28 tranquilturtle
I love this story! Im not sure how old the note at the end is but i hope you’ll be able to continue this story one day. I hope you and your family are doing well and thank you for sharing this story with us.
9/28/2023 c27 rzwz
Riveting story, great feels of compassion in the face of real life trials of hurt. I have been searching internet for "hints" that you intend to finish this story. Fictionpad is no more and Stars no longer has The Bliizzard - I have checked Amazon & Goodreads to see if possibly you decided to publish. Really hoping you decide to complete this story as you have invested in these characters as have your readers. ... or if that muse is no longer there let us know, I will file it in my ever growing folder " Great story-INC- forgotten " Thanks so much for sharing your stories.
8/21/2023 c28 helenemc
I hope you will continue this story!
3/30/2023 c28 Shadowpup101
I’m happy I took them time to reread this awesome piece of work again, though very much would love to see it start getting updates again an finished.
2/20/2023 c27 smileeymonique96
Came back to re read this as I often do and I still love this story so so much. So tender and heart warming
1/12/2023 c27 Juxtaposition001
Hope you continue, I love your stories
10/3/2022 c1 live.small.joys
:) Please Update
9/30/2022 c1 Rome4
this is the only Edward and Bella story that I wish were completed. this is an amazing story. I hope you find your way back to it. I'll always be following it.
7/31/2022 c1 Guest
Loved it! And I hope you continue it and they eventually reunite!
6/10/2022 c28 altheacanda
5/5/2022 c28 1casstella
Please finish this story I would like to know what happens with Bella, Edward, Alice & Esme
4/5/2022 c28 Juxtaposition001
So by looking it's been a while since sheviking updated any socials. Does anyone know if they are okay?
2/23/2022 c27 5Sandy2348
I loved this I hope you continue
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