Just In
for Beside Quiet Waters

10/22/2023 c1 Guest
Poor Bella, those are all hard losses to get through. I hope she has a strong support system to help her.
8/31/2023 c1 CynMar Rom
Ouch, straight through the heart, this one.
Good lord. Your words make me feel deeply, and this made me really, really sad.
However, I am on a mission lol and I will read all your words.
Thanks for sharing!
7/13/2023 c1 alli62
Beautiful and heartbreaking.
5/19/2023 c1 reader71360
It is hard to survive a tragedy. Too many people know this.
3/20/2023 c1 marigold123
Sweet and sad. Thank you for writing.
3/6/2023 c1 2grinslikeadevil
Oh god. This is so sad yet beautifully written. Thank you for this tho I don’t know how I can recover from it.
2/22/2023 c1 helenemc
Wow, just wow! I felt everyone of her emotions.
11/26/2022 c1 debb lavoie
Oh damn, that was so sad, truly a gut punch. Excellent writing.
5/4/2021 c1 1Escapee2FF
oMG gut wrenching
12/15/2019 c1 moonwinks
I just found your story...almost 10 years after you wrote it. This was so horribly sad and I cried so much. I read Negative 20 and Falling and noted you said that it was such a change from the angst you ordinarily write. So I jumped in and found another story. Wow...whiplash. Taking a deep breath now...
10/24/2017 c1 Jadeeeee
My. Heart.
3/17/2017 c1 Dizzien
Wow! This is not the first time that I've read this, but it is still just as powerful and beautiful as the first time.
3/29/2016 c1 Guest
I'm crying. Thought you should know that.
3/8/2016 c1 2Comrade'sRoza
10/1/2015 c1 Katrina
Its beautiful
I am crying right now
Awesome really !
I love your writing
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