6/8/2010 c1 natalee torres
hey amaaaazing thats the word you put so much detail in the story i love it you have a good story line thats the best part keep up the good work"smiles"have an awesome day
hey amaaaazing thats the word you put so much detail in the story i love it you have a good story line thats the best part keep up the good work"smiles"have an awesome day
4/13/2010 c1
i've added practically every one of your channy stories to my favourties;)

i've added practically every one of your channy stories to my favourties;)
4/5/2010 c1 Kirstin Riggans
I loved that story and the part about sonny not bowing down to him even at No. 10 is so true. The thing I need to know is why is their love a huge secret. If you ever find out please send me a letter and a DVD of a Channy live story and a Stemi love story at 48 Glentanar Drive, Moodiesburn.
Commented and written by Kirstin
I loved that story and the part about sonny not bowing down to him even at No. 10 is so true. The thing I need to know is why is their love a huge secret. If you ever find out please send me a letter and a DVD of a Channy live story and a Stemi love story at 48 Glentanar Drive, Moodiesburn.
Commented and written by Kirstin
4/5/2010 c1 Mary
hi im mary
i loved it! it was good as and fabulous. i undserstood evry word and those words were true. i felt connected to it and it was amazing. well done! does nico really like tawni on the show or did u make it up to make more words or somethingg?...either way it was good. id like to read more. have u made any more fictions? if u have can u tell me thhe name id like to read it.
thx ur the best
hi im mary
i loved it! it was good as and fabulous. i undserstood evry word and those words were true. i felt connected to it and it was amazing. well done! does nico really like tawni on the show or did u make it up to make more words or somethingg?...either way it was good. id like to read more. have u made any more fictions? if u have can u tell me thhe name id like to read it.
thx ur the best
3/26/2010 c1 legendarykamikaze
You know, I think that's just about 1 of the best one shots i've ever read. you got every character, you decribed them perfectly. THIS WAS AWESOME!
You know, I think that's just about 1 of the best one shots i've ever read. you got every character, you decribed them perfectly. THIS WAS AWESOME!
3/26/2010 c1
You dedicated ANOTHER one to me? That is so darn nice of you! SMILEES :D Man, I love smiling! This was such a different way to do a story too! And I absolutely loved it! Especially the Chad/Sonny bit! What? I'm biast! :P lol! You know which bit I really liked? The Grady bit! I loved your interpretation of him :D Anyways, I have to go do thank you phone calls, so I'll speak to ya on Twitter :D
Thanks so much!
Lots of love, Abbiekins :)

You dedicated ANOTHER one to me? That is so darn nice of you! SMILEES :D Man, I love smiling! This was such a different way to do a story too! And I absolutely loved it! Especially the Chad/Sonny bit! What? I'm biast! :P lol! You know which bit I really liked? The Grady bit! I loved your interpretation of him :D Anyways, I have to go do thank you phone calls, so I'll speak to ya on Twitter :D
Thanks so much!
Lots of love, Abbiekins :)
3/25/2010 c1
Its was amazing!Amazing job!Wow I was thinking about where I am when I smile so much and its when I'm alone or to scare someone an to show the world I'm not hurting on the inside then I relized I do all of them.Huh go figure.AnyWhoo Loved it!Wonderfuly done!

Its was amazing!Amazing job!Wow I was thinking about where I am when I smile so much and its when I'm alone or to scare someone an to show the world I'm not hurting on the inside then I relized I do all of them.Huh go figure.AnyWhoo Loved it!Wonderfuly done!
3/25/2010 c1
that was really amazing! i really liked it and you are a really good author! but i think that you should make a story based upon that, and kind of expand on what you wrote into a story. i would love to read that! and i would be so excited if you did! though you dont have to, i like it both ways, just keep writing!

that was really amazing! i really liked it and you are a really good author! but i think that you should make a story based upon that, and kind of expand on what you wrote into a story. i would love to read that! and i would be so excited if you did! though you dont have to, i like it both ways, just keep writing!