Just In
for Solar Eclipse

3/10/2024 c13 MMTyler
Oh man the story was just getting interesting.
6/5/2016 c5 Nokomi C
I love Bella stories where she is not weak!
10/10/2014 c13 milagglad
3/15/2014 c1 SeleenaMarieDragonMistress
The US government in all their wisdom has come up with a law called Stop Online Piracy Acts (SOPA). It’s basically a blanket law to stop ALL forms of online piracy including fan fiction, fan art, and fan videos! So they punish those that they want to punish. BUT they also punish all of us who express our creativity through writing, drawing, and recording around something that may not belong to us, but that we LOVE. There is a Petition on WE the People that ends on the 19th of March that needs 100,000 signatures. So far we have 49,968.
If you want to sign, go to:
6/11/2013 c3 40deathgeonous
Ah, I decided that I just had to reread this series again. It still is starting off strong I see. Well, thanks for writing this, bye for now.
11/4/2012 c13 marylopez0812
This is a amazing story. I love it.
10/16/2012 c13 shugokage
Amazing story and great idea thank you!
10/8/2012 c4 3karicom333
Your writing it because your awesome! I love this story! And the fact that theres 2 sequals (that are completed!) just makes it better!
9/29/2012 c1 LunaEchoWillow
good story
9/22/2012 c13 7Sonicthehedgewolf
This was so freaking cool! I'm off to read the squeals.
7/3/2012 c7 Guest
5/2/2012 c2 40deathgeonous
Going over this series again because I quite honestly lost contact with the latest part of it. Good beginning, thanks for writing this, bye for now.
12/22/2011 c13 163Marcus S. Lazarus
The start was simple, but initial events with the song and the path created an interesting metaphor for future developments, and the subsequent plot certainly lived up to those expectations (Albeit in a predominately subtle manner).

The initial hint that Bella might be descended from Wolverine was a particularly interesting twist, to say nothing of a pleasant one; after the mess he’s experienced where his family is concerned in recent storylines- his ‘sister’ is a clone who’s been trained to be an assassin since birth and his son’s a total psycho-, it’s nice to see someone give him a family that he can like, even if they don’t explicitly meet during the story itself.

I wouldn’t have minded seeing a bit more of the Forks High ‘cast’ than what you showed here, but I acknowledge that’s probably because I’ve read a few good fanfics involving Angela before now; I have no problem with Madison as a means of helping Bella out of her shell while providing a new perspective on her relationship with Edward.

Charlie’s death made a dramatic and unexpected twist, but the moment when Bella’s powers activated could have been elaborated on in more detail; as it was, introducing Madison’s cousin and his associates so suddenly seemed a bit like you were just trying to compensate for a shortcoming that you hadn’t registered earlier, when you could have at least mentioned their existences beforehand, to say nothing of her and Madison being abducted that swiftly.

In general, what you had was good, but towards the end it just seemed to be a bit rushed; as much as I liked the concept of Wolverine as Bella’s grandfather, you could have drawn out her discover of her powers and introduction to the world of the X-Gene a bit more than you did.
10/5/2011 c13 cottoncandybl52
kul .
9/20/2011 c13 KatelySmiling
me likey
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