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for The Truth About Cats & Dogs

5/10/2020 c1 Truckee Gal
Some dog breeds (such as Hampton) are amazingly intuitive. Their sense of smell alerts them to a human being’s internal changes. Rhett hearing Bonnie’s, “Where you going Daddy?” was poignant and perfect.
10/1/2018 c1 gabyhyatt
Good fic, i love it
8/13/2012 c1 Athenais Penelope Clemence
I am more like an alley cat... This is really impressive comparison...
7/6/2011 c1 2TheEvilGeniusness
I really liked this one shot! Especially at the beginning- I think you captured Rhett's mood really well.
4/13/2010 c1 rubeanddodo
Woohoo! I knew you had it in you. Terrific job. You captured what I imagine was Rhett's emotions on leaving his home. And I like how you brought in the dog. Well done BlaqueCat. And what a surprise, no spelling errors! Tee Hee! You are going to continue this, aren't you? Otherwise it will be the water treatment of nagging from me.
4/3/2010 c1 5skyebugs
A neat idea. And now you know what's next, us asking for longer stories now that you broke the ice.
4/1/2010 c1 2Sakuralux
SO glad you took the plunge. :) Incredibly well done, and for such a short piece, it contains an amazing amount of emotional content. I truly hope that you are encouraged to write more!
4/1/2010 c1 18CaptScarlett
This was lovely and poignant, something a little different and I'm glad you posted it. Welcome and keep writing!

(also, I notice you caught the HI, lol.)
3/31/2010 c1 17shaniatwains
That was awesome (: and so true. And now, my friend, you have written & posted

your first GWTW fic. Which means you have to write another and another,

muahahahahaa :D lol seriously, it was great !
3/31/2010 c1 3isolabella
Aha! You are, as we suspected all along, a writer! What a nice first story. It had a haunting quality and I found Hampton running after Rhett to be quite poignant.

I'm so glad you decided to write and I look forward to seeing more from you!
3/31/2010 c1 ihearttoread
"Go home Hampton, please take care of my family, because I cannot."

Aww! What a great first story! Clever, gripping and sad. Well done! :)
3/31/2010 c1 6Kelly Melly
Dude! You totally just wrote something! :)

And it was very impressive! No grammar mistakes! LOL :) Did you watch "The Aristocats" before writing this and get some kind of inspiration from "Abraham de Lacy Guiseppe Casey Thomas O'Malley" the Alley Cat? First thing I thought of when I thought of Rhett as an alley cat. He and O'Malley are much alike :)

Delightful, my dear. More please...of your writing, that is. :)
3/31/2010 c1 5iris fibonacci
Wonderful CeeJay! You really created a creepy mood with the fog, and Rhett's sense of being followed. Great moment when Rhett demands that the follower show himself, and it's the dog! Sad ending. Yet, I got the feeling that the dog was telling him it was okay to leave, that Hampton sensed Rhett would be back once he regained his equilibrium, and that Hampton would do as Rhett requested, watch the family for him.
3/31/2010 c1 2CCgwtw
Very nice, but all too short. I understand it was just a snippet and it is hard to convey so much in so few words, so you did an excellent job. I was really hoping that Hampton would have been able to persuade him to go home, however. Alas, what will be, will be. Write again...Please.
3/31/2010 c1 24Iva1201
Nice association - Bonnie's pony Mr. Butler and Wade's dog Hampton. (-: I have been now for days thinking about a oneshot "Not All Things Swiss Are Bad" - yes, by coincidence also about Wade's dog but in much different situation - may I use the name if I write it and don't find anything more suiting? It was not mentioned in the canon book, right?
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