Just In
for The Wedding Party

11/9 c17 Guest
I truly forgot how amazing this story was. I am enjoying reading it again.
8/21 c29 grapesiii
Loved it! Couldnt stop readinf
7/9 c11 VryUnique
You call 911 and get him help. They will transport him to the hospital
and take it from there.
5/23 c33 1Escapee2FF
such a great story, really enjoyed it and the chemistry between them both. would love an epilogue looking ahead thabkyouthankyou
12/19/2023 c33 1antiquelilium
Damn, this story had me GOOD. Amazing writing, amazing character development. Hooked, read the whole thing in 2 days
11/30/2023 c33 Bevey99
Man I thought she had lost her mind for a moment, when she went to New York. Great story about love, good friends and finding out 'but do you want it'. Thanks for writing and sharing.
11/7/2023 c32 rebecca's mom
I LOVED this BEAUTIFUL story! So happy to always re-readi it. Thank you! XO
10/17/2023 c28 Guest
Can Carlisle and Esme help?
10/17/2023 c21 Guest
Would Edward’s parents know Bella’s dad? Small world
10/17/2023 c18 Guest
Will Edward learn the truth of what happened to Bella?
10/17/2023 c17 Guest
Edward needs to become a small town doctor
10/17/2023 c14 Guest
Will Bella meet Esme and Carlisle?
10/17/2023 c11 Guest
She has to tread carefully. Jay could hurt her
10/17/2023 c5 Guest
Proud of Edward not to cheat.
10/16/2023 c1 Guest
Is Jay Jasper or James?
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