Just In
for Soul Calibur: The Conflict of Souls

6/12/2015 c41 YingLovatic025
Oh My Wind!
Mark and Talim got married?!
I got drown from Chic flicks between them!

Talim believed in forever and they've got kids
2/2/2012 c41 17Projekt-Z
Well The whole Tanatos bit was just like Vanitas and Ventus for KH: Birth by Sleep. It was still good though, so I'm not complaining.
7/26/2011 c41 1KamehameGadoken
Great Epilogue. Almost something out of an anime series.

You are now lvl 9,999

You have gained the ability: Living Imagination

You have been requested a sequal. Accept?


6/4/2011 c40 4warrior of six blades
Nice job on this chapter and on the fight scene in it.I look forward to seeing how things go for mark and his friends in the next chapter now that malgreed is gone.
6/3/2011 c40 1KamehameGadoken
You have earned 5,000,000 EXP for completing the story. You have earned the ability: Uber Pen for completing the story. Congratulations. You have finished a great story. You have proved your writing abilities.

-Save and quit?

-Continue Part 2?

-New Story?
5/20/2011 c30 13Surviving Devil
You going to add another chapter please.
3/9/2011 c15 3mdgc1973
Loving the story. Joseph's from GUYANA! That's right...REPRESENT! (one love)
2/18/2011 c39 1SunLord89
Awesome as usual, but...I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS!

Verid: -maniacal laughter-
2/18/2011 c39 4warrior of six blades
Nice job on this chapter.I look forward to the next chapter to this story and seeing what happens in the next chapter.So keep up the good work and good luck.
2/17/2011 c39 1Mikez
AHHHHH! dang the suspense awesomeness btw x3
2/11/2011 c38 1SunLord89
Ohohohoho this is most certainly AWESOME. Looking forward to an update
2/4/2011 c38 4warrior of six blades
Nice job on this chapter.I can't wait to see how the next part of this fight goes in the next chapter.
2/3/2011 c38 1Mikez
Sweet chapter can't wait to see how the final battle turns out! x3
1/16/2011 c37 4warrior of six blades
Nice job on this chapter.I can't wait to see how things go in the next chapter of this fight.
1/12/2011 c37 1SunLord89
Malatos: -pounds on VOid wall- LET ME OUT

mmm...Nah i dont wanna
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