Just In
for Return of the Stackhouse Six

8/24/2022 c81 howaboutboth
Really fun story! I do wish you had decided to include some lemons; you write the tension between them so well and I was left wanting more. But overall this was very unique, funny and well written. Thanks for sharing!
8/23/2022 c78 howaboutboth
OMG, between Bill's constitutional issues and Quinn's sway space, that was one of the most horrifying (in a great way) set of conversations I've ever encountered!
8/21/2022 c33 howaboutboth
Loved this chapter. Really nice development in their relationship and so much heat. Ungh, I want a moonlit walk/piggyback ride with Eric!
8/20/2022 c21 howaboutboth
"Bill could be so... not fun sometimes." Perfectly understated. Enjoying this fun story!
5/2/2022 c21 2Lilah93
Eep! Can’t wait for Eric to torment Bill !

Also Sookie in this chapter cracked me up, I loved her internal responses to Bill. And it’s interesting to get more of an idea about their relationship.

And vitamins?! Hmm, suspicious…
5/2/2022 c9 Lilah93
I only found this fandom in the last year and have seen this story pop up a few times and always wondered about it.

Just started reading it today and I am loving it! You’re such a funny, talented writer and your enthusiasm really shines through. I’ve never heard of the original but am very excited to see where it goes!
3/1/2022 c81 7Dragonmum
great story thank you
8/30/2021 c81 7kleannhouse
Love it. awesome. KY
8/30/2021 c80 kleannhouse
nice way to end it, would loved to have seen more the Stackhouse Six plus a few more. they are all quite entertaining. KY
8/30/2021 c79 kleannhouse
oh the Barracuda came out to play. Quinn is such a tool. KY
8/30/2021 c78 kleannhouse
OMG, two douchebags in a row, thankfully Sam hightailed it out of there. KY
8/30/2021 c77 kleannhouse
oh ow they handle that fabulously. but too many variables still to come. KY
8/30/2021 c76 kleannhouse
what a way to plan out how you met. KY
8/24/2021 c75 kleannhouse
Love Terry, not fazed by anything Stackhouse. KY
8/24/2021 c74 kleannhouse
Not gay at all. KY
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