Just In
for Once Bitten, Twice Shy

11/11/2010 c12 276Satan Abraham
I enjoyed this story. ^^
8/24/2010 c12 8marylinevelyn
such a perfect conclusion!
8/24/2010 c11 marylinevelyn
I love how Guy throws him and Marian in Robin's face.
8/24/2010 c10 marylinevelyn
and robin doesn't even know she almost kissed guy, BURN
8/24/2010 c9 marylinevelyn
probably my favorite robin/marian scene i've ever written.

although i did like the drunken vampire-esque one better teehee
8/24/2010 c8 marylinevelyn
I'm glad we've established how exactly it is Guy decides to move on and claim Marian.
8/24/2010 c7 marylinevelyn
Another scene we went over a thousand times. And yes the roleplaying was embarrassing but so worth it because this scene rules!
8/24/2010 c6 marylinevelyn
very dramatic. and now for my favorite role-playing scene we've ever done
8/24/2010 c5 marylinevelyn
way to be evil in all new ways sheriff!
8/24/2010 c4 marylinevelyn
i still like my drunken version of this scene better. oh no wait, that was the other scene.
8/24/2010 c3 marylinevelyn
thank you for not making robin TOO insufferable
8/24/2010 c2 marylinevelyn
oh he allowed his mind to return to her...:(
8/24/2010 c1 marylinevelyn
the prologue YOU'VE written! what happened to putting me as the co-author la caterina, huh, huh?
6/20/2010 c12 forgettingapril
Really enjoyed reading this :) Hope you do more stories similar to this
6/12/2010 c12 Gemini
I loved this! Please do more inserted episodes! :) I think it would be interesting if you did one in like season 3 (like after Guy kills Marian or something like that).
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