Just In
for Meteor Shower

3/11/2024 c19 MMTyler
I truly love this series
3/11/2024 c15 MMTyler
I'm glad the columns finally get .
5/4/2015 c19 mum2shane
does she & the team kill off the volterri? what happens next or is that going to become the sequal
4/3/2015 c19 milagglad
Very good...
1/6/2015 c2 Zelda Ray
Remy LeBou one of my all time favorite mutants...
3/15/2014 c1 SeleenaMarieDragonMistress
The US government in all their wisdom has come up with a law called Stop Online Piracy Acts (SOPA). It’s basically a blanket law to stop ALL forms of online piracy including fan fiction, fan art, and fan videos! So they punish those that they want to punish. BUT they also punish all of us who express our creativity through writing, drawing, and recording around something that may not belong to us, but that we LOVE. There is a Petition on WE the People that ends on the 19th of March that needs 100,000 signatures. So far we have 49,913.
If you want to sigh, go to:
11/5/2012 c19 marylopez0812
I love it.
10/16/2012 c19 shugokage
Great job on this sequel!
5/2/2012 c1 40deathgeonous
Hmm, you did something every author tries with this fic, but few accomplish, you made a sequel that was better then the previous story. Nice job. And sleep is a necessarily evil, relaxing and rejuvenating, but still evil. If not for the need for sleep, I could have read this fic right after the first one. Oh darn. Well, thanks for writing this, bye for now.
10/5/2011 c17 cottoncandybl52
kul chapter
9/21/2011 c19 KatelySmiling
8/12/2011 c19 24Yeziel Moore
Wow, i loved this fic! And the prequel, actually I still have to leave a review there but I was so hung up that I just couldn't stop.

I really like the way you make your stories flow, really nicely done and with the added bonus that I didn't feel like I was going to die from an anxiety attack, he.

I'm a bit sad about the Cullens because with some glaring exceptions (Eddie-boy and Rosalie) I quite like them. But well, as they say, it's your party.
6/10/2011 c19 40deathgeonous
Hmm, you know, this is an X-Men crossover of a different breed. It's become quite common to have Bella be related to Wolverine in some way shape or form lately in Twilight/X-Men crossovers, but you've taken a different route here, in that she's his granddaughter, a further relationship most, and she has yet to be 'Properly Introduced' to him as being related yet, and this is the end of the second story! Nice job there, but I do have hopes that she will be introduced to him, and get mixed-up with his life, well for a bit at least, at some point. That should and could be fun. Well, thanks for writing this, bye for now.
4/5/2011 c19 3PotterGal14
Overall I thought the story was pretty good. Is she ever going to tell wolverine and sabertooth about their relation? Or gambit about grant?
2/22/2011 c1 MycaVain
love it, im starting hyper nova tonight - cant wait! :)
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