Just In
for He Gambled

4/11/2010 c1 6Hazmatt
Very deep story! I enjoyed it!
4/10/2010 c1 2DBCrazy
I hate that Booth fell off the wagon, but even more so that he won big like that, especially right after he's lost everything.
4/10/2010 c1 121lrigD
Oh god, I really, REALLY hope Booth won't start gambling again. I mean, he might - she basically crushed him...
4/10/2010 c1 8leonsalanna
The premise actually makes a lot of sense. Now that he gambled and lost with Brennan, he could very well want to test his luck out and see if he is still capable of winning or if his luck was broken completely. Are you leaving this at a one shot? The repercussions of his return to gambling would be interesting to go into. Was it a one time thing? Is he hooked again? Will Sweets find out? Will Bones?
4/10/2010 c1 mjels
love it great story
4/10/2010 c1 jsiebert
Great story very creative plot and I love the ending about gambling and winning.

My suggestion for a future chapter is for him to go to a Gambler's Anonymous meeting. Winning is a bad deal for a gambler, it would spike his urge to do it again. Alternatively he should call his sponsor in GA and they would go to a meeting together.

More chapters please...
4/10/2010 c1 Kate56
I'd like to see more of this story. This was more of the real Booth than we saw on the show for ep.100.

Very enjoyable
4/10/2010 c1 8inzaghina
Wow, this was very well written.

It made me even more sad than the actual episode's ending.

This part really got me:

"Despite what he had said, Booth knew that he would never move on; he wouldn't be able to move on even if he had wanted to. You can't move on from your soul mate."

I can't believe for one minute that he'll be able to move on.. I know in my heart they'll be together someday.

Thanks for sharing.
4/10/2010 c1 Asharlee
I liked this :)

Nice to see someone so close to home writing great Bones fanfics (I'm from New Zealand) :)
4/10/2010 c1 13Lisbon94
Wow this is really good as a one shot but I think an extra chapter or 2 could be good to :) tbh it works great either way :) I loved it! x
4/10/2010 c1 utgotye
I could see this happening, absolutely. Booth is very...Booth here. I could see this becoming a story of somwhat moderate length. I hope you continue!

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