Just In
for An Afternoon Tea

8/22/2015 c1 6BlackNoblesse
XD! After all that, he was worried about his tea!
4/30/2015 c1 Guest
I really enjoyed it! Really loved the pairing! Well done this is one of the story that I would not forget!
11/22/2011 c1 shi setsuna
this was really good. well done.
2/20/2011 c1 1Kagari Higuchi
MOOOOORE! There must be more! Sequal, prequal, drabbleseries idc! You must write more, there isnt enough love for these two. Too much Yuuram = 3= please write more
4/13/2010 c1 14nickypooh
i loved it! there arent many fics focused in the past! and i just love Rufus!
4/12/2010 c1 37Ilyasviel16
It's so cute, Natsumi-chan!

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