Just In
for Warmth of Lies

3/12/2015 c10 Guest
6/17/2014 c10 10RoastPigeon
The KimbleyEnvy friendship is a little OOC, but it's cute. I like the way how MilesKimbley is portrayed. Hope you'll continue this
12/15/2011 c10 6Gryphon icefire 98
Okay, this is awesome. I have been looking for a good Kimbley and Miles story for ages and yours is the first one I've found that doesn't fail. I'm very glad that there's at least one other person who likes 'unpopular' pairings, too.

I am completely awestruck by the quality of your writing. Though the chapters are shorter than I prefer, the words flow smoothly and scenes and points of views change as easily as water flows over sand. Please continue this.

Eh... I'm wondering what made me do all the analogies... also, you might want to double check your spelling and grammar in a few places.

But seriously. Please continue this.

By the way, the fav is for Warmth of Snow, too.
5/8/2011 c9 3Savage Deathbite
This is a lovely story don't abandon it now plz continue :D wonderful job
9/23/2010 c9 Scatty
Poor Kimblee D:

Miles, you must hug him :c

This chapter was short but very cute, I´ll wait for the next ^^

Thank you for writing this ^^
9/19/2010 c9 KimbleyFan
OMG I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS! i am totally serious! this is amazing. please continue it! it is one of the best stories ever! i love kimbley, and he's just so cute in this! i beg of you, please don't stop writing this! i shall worship u forever if u finish this!
9/19/2010 c9 Helen
I love it! Please write more.
9/18/2010 c9 EnvyXKimbley4ever
Miles need to realize that he loves kimblee so that their can be lemons! and envy!kitty is so protective! its so cute.
8/24/2010 c8 Scatty
I love your fic, I think this should have more reviews 3333

I need the next chapter pleeeease ;-;

Really good job ;-;

Sorry for the english :´D
8/22/2010 c8 EnvyXKimbley4ever
I hope Kimblee gets better! This was so worth the wait! Thanks for the note at the start of the chapter!
6/24/2010 c6 KimbleeFan
oh wow, this is getting interesting! can't wait to see what happens next! :D
5/12/2010 c5 5Boombaby1918
LOLZ! the idea of Miles thinking of Zolf as a chick is hillarious! much luvs very much luvs!
4/23/2010 c4 6Ephere
Okay. Straight to errors.

"...arms around Kimbley when he TALKS into Miles." should be "WALKS",

"He sets the tray down on the nightstand and parks-it on the bed." I dunno what you meant by the "parks-it", but I'm guessing "parks it".

You also seem to have a little problem with apostrophes, but that's fine. I'm just being nit-picky.

Also, Kimbley feels too old. Is he really 42 in the canon? I seem to remember he was in his mid-thirties...

I also don't understand this line "If Kimbley liked his bed, then this one WOULD be a bed the Alchemist would want to avoid." Clarify?

Alchemist and alchemy are lowercase in this instance, p.s.

Aww, Envy-cat ish so kyuut! At least, I think.

Although this piece is fabulous fanservice, I really think you should have a more captivating plot, (good luck with that, it'd be really hard with a setting like this), and have more conflict with it as well. The narration could use a bit more spice, although I liked Kimbley's "You didn't give her anything" rant. :3 WofSnow update?
4/22/2010 c4 5Boombaby1918
10$ says kimmy will blow his brains out!

lolz I kid but srsly nice chappy! is the cat Envy in a different form?
4/19/2010 c3 Boombaby1918
so mushy and luvable...I LUV IT!
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