8/27/2002 c16 Vengeance
One or two mistakes with chapter 16 bud but either way a good story, hurry up with the next chapter would ya? thanxs!
One or two mistakes with chapter 16 bud but either way a good story, hurry up with the next chapter would ya? thanxs!
4/28/2002 c16
8Supreme Ky
Once again, great chapters! I gotta say, it would be interesting on how he would get his powers back, and the whole complication with nioki too. Keep writing! Oh yea, check out some of my stuff? I think you may like, who knows. Yea, shameless self advertisement, but I need to appease my muse ^-^
Once again, great chapters! I gotta say, it would be interesting on how he would get his powers back, and the whole complication with nioki too. Keep writing! Oh yea, check out some of my stuff? I think you may like, who knows. Yea, shameless self advertisement, but I need to appease my muse ^-^
4/17/2002 c15 Jim
I just have a couple questions does this occur after the dragonball story line? And if so will the dragonballs come into play?
I just have a couple questions does this occur after the dragonball story line? And if so will the dragonballs come into play?
4/8/2002 c14 blah
whoa.. i can't believe you did that to him! .
whoa.. i can't believe you did that to him! .
4/4/2002 c14
Nice chapter. Just make sure that Piccolo truly believes and trusts in her. Don't make him doubt her love.
Nice chapter. Just make sure that Piccolo truly believes and trusts in her. Don't make him doubt her love.
3/26/2002 c13 NamekVampire
great story! a certain someone said you are the sexiest brit she has ever seen! Or did she say cute? Hummm...anyway, glad i read your story...keep out of fights and get back to writing!
great story! a certain someone said you are the sexiest brit she has ever seen! Or did she say cute? Hummm...anyway, glad i read your story...keep out of fights and get back to writing!
3/24/2002 c13 Piccolo0714
Man..wonder how you described his beating so well? HUM? Wonderful chapter as always my sweetie. Just make sure you update soon! Or give me special treatment and let me read first! Anyway...LOVE IT!
Man..wonder how you described his beating so well? HUM? Wonderful chapter as always my sweetie. Just make sure you update soon! Or give me special treatment and let me read first! Anyway...LOVE IT!
3/18/2002 c12 the one that loves you
Too lazy to sign in! but thanks so much for the kind words..you know i love you!...and you know i love this story
Too lazy to sign in! but thanks so much for the kind words..you know i love you!...and you know i love this story
3/12/2002 c11 Piccolo0714
You ARE a sweet and mushy guy! Who is a wonderful writer! Keep up the good work...I like romance...
You ARE a sweet and mushy guy! Who is a wonderful writer! Keep up the good work...I like romance...
3/12/2002 c10 Piccolo0714
Hey cutie! Sorry I didn't get to update sooner! Just been busy! But, I LOVE IT! Yes, definitely push the rating up and go for some romance! (And for all you girls out there reading this fic, the writer is a total cutie! Sexy and sweet at the same time!) Anway..going on to the next chapter!
Hey cutie! Sorry I didn't get to update sooner! Just been busy! But, I LOVE IT! Yes, definitely push the rating up and go for some romance! (And for all you girls out there reading this fic, the writer is a total cutie! Sexy and sweet at the same time!) Anway..going on to the next chapter!
3/11/2002 c11
Awww! Good for Piccolo, he's adjusting! I love the amount of detail you put into your story! (I can never seem to do that right myself!) For anyone else, I might suggest to add an iddy-widdy bit more dialogue, but your story flows rather nicely with the balance you've got now. Good Job, and, of course, keep up the good work! ^_^ (P.S. Nobody minds sensitive guys! They're rather cute! ^_~)
Awww! Good for Piccolo, he's adjusting! I love the amount of detail you put into your story! (I can never seem to do that right myself!) For anyone else, I might suggest to add an iddy-widdy bit more dialogue, but your story flows rather nicely with the balance you've got now. Good Job, and, of course, keep up the good work! ^_^ (P.S. Nobody minds sensitive guys! They're rather cute! ^_~)
3/5/2002 c10 Katidi
I Really love your story its amazing and perfect, well can't wait for the next chapter. Ciao
I Really love your story its amazing and perfect, well can't wait for the next chapter. Ciao
3/4/2002 c9
Hey! Wonderful work! As always! And I am wondering about Nioki myself! Got some ideas, but don't want to speculate...I'll just wait for another brilliant chapter!
Hey! Wonderful work! As always! And I am wondering about Nioki myself! Got some ideas, but don't want to speculate...I'll just wait for another brilliant chapter!
3/2/2002 c8 chikyuu
hummmm no wonder he has a temper, Both Vegeta and Piccolo combined, interesting, kinda of a bit scary , but neat none the less, sorta remindes me of mewtwo.. oh well, love the story , keep it up! ^_^
hummmm no wonder he has a temper, Both Vegeta and Piccolo combined, interesting, kinda of a bit scary , but neat none the less, sorta remindes me of mewtwo.. oh well, love the story , keep it up! ^_^
2/27/2002 c8 Piccolo0714
Too bad we have to work jobs instead of write all day! This is getting very intense. I like the wonderful way you described everything so well. And the emotional factors involved. Very good work! I am looking so forward to seeing where this relationship goes with Nioki and the others...so write fast! Sherri
Too bad we have to work jobs instead of write all day! This is getting very intense. I like the wonderful way you described everything so well. And the emotional factors involved. Very good work! I am looking so forward to seeing where this relationship goes with Nioki and the others...so write fast! Sherri