Just In
for When Dreams Become Reality

2/26/2002 c7 24SilverKnight
Dude. That rocks. Noble kicks ass...literally, in this case, I suppose. :) I'll be waiting for the next chapter, that much is for sure. :D (Sorry, I suck with reviews. :shrugs:)
2/25/2002 c7 8Supreme Ky
Two words...


Well, literally for piccolo
2/24/2002 c7 unknown
wow that was very... interesting shall we say. I would have never guessed that was how/ where he was from.Cool, can't wait to read more. I think that this is a story in a category all its own
2/24/2002 c7 2Pupetta
How cool! Go Noble! You've created a fascinating history on him. Do we know the two Saiyans and the Namek, or are they just kind-of there? You've done an excellent job in building up this story's plot and characters! Please continue, this is quite a refreshing read! Good Job!
2/24/2002 c7 4Piccolo0714
Totally fantastic! Never would have come up with such an incredible plot! Keep working! I'm waiting on chapter 8!
2/24/2002 c6 8Supreme Ky
Can't believe this thing only has 7 reviews. this is pretty good, I'm waiting for chap 7. Please continue with this
2/18/2002 c5 4Piccolo0714
Well, I'm still enjoying this! Your writing is really good, and I hope you get an update out soon! Give some more hints!
2/9/2002 c3 Piccolo0714
Now, I am totally confused as to who the character is! But, that's good! You want to make it suspensful for you readers! Me included! Wonderful writing...keep it up! Will look for chapter 4 soon!
2/7/2002 c2 Piccolo0714
Can't wait! This is so good. Very emotional as well...Keep it up!
2/7/2002 c1 Piccolo0714
very interesting! i can't wait for you to continue...i am liking this!
2/6/2002 c1 35Leia
I was intrigued by the summary of this story - I love Piccolo, so anything even "Piccolo-ish" captures my attention - but you'll have to imagine my shock at seeing the entire story in one paragraph. I like crossing my eyes, but I'm not about to do it through an entire chapter. I'll get a major headache, and I hate those ... so ... if you want people to read this, I suggest going through and making paragraphs - I'll come back and read it, I promise! The format is just too hard on the eyes right now.

2/6/2002 c1 Guest
AHHHHH! I didn't even bother to read this because your formatting is all wrong! Please, please PLEASE use paragraphs!
2/6/2002 c2 2Pupetta
This is a good start! I'm not quite sure who our hero is at the moment, but he sure is interesting! You have an excellent style of writing, but your lack of paragraphs and formatting detracts from it. 'Enter' or 'Return' once or twice before beginning your story or starting a new thought. You've got a brilliant beginning, please keep on writing! Great Job!
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