Just In
for What I Have Become

9/9/2016 c1 tacaloking
i really like this story this is one of the very few storys i found that i like that focuses on another character i really like how things changed even if each change was short it really did a good job showing how time was moving on and everything and everyone was changing which i feel is not a easy thing because its so easy to jump to much and make it feel like it has no depth but you managed to avoid that i really hope you continue
2/27/2016 c1 121dogbertcarroll
A big mystery, a nice set up, an excellent chapter!
9/19/2013 c1 Guest
Hey, hey, i wanna be a rock star...
1/1/2012 c1 The Wandering Soul of 1014
-Interesting story. I can understand if you consider it a oneshot, but I am curious as to who LN is? I can guess it might have a connection to Ranma, but other than that . . .
12/20/2011 c1 Rose1948
Awesome little tale. Hopefully, your muse will let you continue. Yes, there were some errors. However, they didn't lessen my enjoyment. Patiently waiting for more.

Take care and thanks for sharing.
12/13/2011 c1 4Ashleythetiger
cliffhanger? nooo!

over year an no new chap? ... noooooo!

great story tho

errrr nerima is sorta getting some major changes tho
8/25/2011 c1 1Lord Sia
Hm. A very interesting fic indeed. Though I am very much annoyed that you haven't finished it - that was a particularly annoying cliffhanger of an ending.
4/17/2011 c1 2GeorgeTobor
Ok it is obvious Ranma is behind all this. S/he went away and became successful, taking what Nabiki said to heart and changing. But is Ranma doing it in guy or girl form or both? This is a story unlike any other I have read and I'm really waiting on any updates you may post. Please update soon.
10/25/2010 c1 Dragozilla
FUCKING AWESOME! I love this fic and hope you update soon.
7/18/2010 c1 Mikey123
Need more!
6/23/2010 c1 Megatyrant
Interesting. Very interesting, in fact. I am quite curious to find out where Ranma has dissapeared to, as well as who Nabiki's stalker is.

Anyway, I look forward to seeing more chapters posted.

Megatyrant out.
5/18/2010 c1 Loatroll
Interesting story so far. Looking forward to more, great job at making the reader feel. Thanks for the read.

Interesting choice to use Nabikis POV, good job on portraying everyone.
5/12/2010 c1 noodle-monster

update soon pls.
4/27/2010 c1 2Celestial Indigo
You have this fic centered around Nabiki's inability to find Ranma. Why don't you have her as the character matchups instead of Ranma?

Nice fic thus far.

Lookin' forward to your next chapter.
4/26/2010 c1 gaul1
interesting story so far, i wonder what will happen next, bye
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