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for Mission to Love

5/30 c15 Guest
Love the storyline so far. Hope you can continue and we see how Stephanie does with the mission and if Carlos declares his feelings for her.
9/2/2021 c15 JeanieJ
Love this story! So wish it was finished, but fun anyway! Any girls dream!
6/19/2021 c15 1Sox21
Does Ranger ever tell her how he feels? I’d love to see how this ends!
3/22/2021 c1 Brooke Sabens Guenther
You are a gifted writer! Please finish this story! What happens? I was HOOKED.
8/13/2019 c15 Guest
No don’t stop there! I want to see how this ends. Pleas come back and finish!
2/3/2019 c15 Guest
Love this story please come back and finish ty
3/25/2018 c15 Buddy'sBabe
Why would you stop at this point! Please come back and finish this absolutely wonderful story.
1/17/2018 c15 Babealways
It's to bad this story seems to have been abandoned as its been enjoyed. I'd love to see what happens when they return to Trenton. I'm going to follow it in case you regain your muse.
8/24/2015 c15 Rangersbeautiful
I hope you find your muse again. This story is getting good! Hope you comeback to it!
7/3/2015 c15 MargaritaS
interesting so far
5/19/2015 c15 rogerse98
You are doing such a great job with this story. You've really captured the characters well. I like Steph's uncertainty and fear of becoming too attached, and I like that there is a real story here. This story could fit right in to the real Evanovich series if she ever allowed the characters to continue their development instead of remaining stagnant. I hope you'll keep going with this story; it will stay in my follows and favorite list!
2/23/2015 c15 tanya.framness
Please come back and finish - this is a wonderful story - and a TERRIBLE place to leave things! ;)
1/17/2015 c15 Guest
I so wish you would continue this wonderful story! I hope you come back to it someday
4/26/2014 c15 29ladylibra73
Excellent. Are you going to continue?
1/17/2014 c15 jdho
I love it, please write more when you get the chance! :)
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