Just In
for Mission to Love

11/29/2012 c8 Knitter
Excellent chapter. You have set down a background for the storyline that links each person with a significant past. Being a flyer like Stephanie, you described the taking off and landing fear perfect I might add. Sounds like Paris is going to such an exciting adventure and may be a reason for a beautiful relationship to develop...ahhhhhhhh Paris, the city of Lights.
11/28/2012 c8 Babe Love - MM Love
oo what did that mean? r steph and ranger going to stay married after this is over or what?
11/28/2012 c8 bgrgrmpy
interesting connections Steph 't wait to see what's next.
11/28/2012 c8 deviates322
Great chapter! I like that ranger is telling her they'll do some things in the future that they weren't Able to do now. Can't wait to see what trouble Steph is able to find in Paris. Looking forward to more. Liz
11/28/2012 c1 Guest
I'm really loving this. You are an excellent writer with a great idea for a story. I loved how Steph took the initiative to speak to the suspect's wife. I can't wait to see more. I hope Ranger makes this permanent, as it looks like he may. I'm a Babe all the way!
11/28/2012 c8 TexanBabe
Sigh. Ranger is just too sexy. He keeps dropping hints to Steph about the future but she doesn't think twice about it. He's strung her along for so long she can't get her hopes up. I wish Ranger would stop playing with her! Maybe soon.
11/28/2012 c8 2trhodes9
Steph is wound a little tight. Ranger is sure dropping hints, like "more travel in your future" but of course Steph is going to deny she heard it. This Paris trip sounds like it's going to be fun - bombshell style!
11/28/2012 c8 Tiggy318
Loved the update! Can't wait to see what happens next now that they are in Paris!
11/28/2012 c8 Guest
Thanks for the update! Loved her reaction to flying and having Ranger there for support.
11/24/2012 c7 KrystalBright
great story, I'm so glad your continuing it.
11/23/2012 c7 Guest
so far the trip is going as planned and Ranger showed Steph some of his feelings and thoughts pf 9 11
11/21/2012 c7 frostdance
Very funny & touching chapter. patsy
11/21/2012 c7 Guest
Can't wait for Paris! The possibilities ate endless. More please... I've become addicted! :)
11/21/2012 c7 17Lulubelle09
touching moment for ranger at ground zero. Can't wait for more.
11/20/2012 c7 Tiggy318
Great update, loved the bit at Ground Zero!
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