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for Mission to Love

1/17/2014 c15 jdho
I love it, please write more when you get the chance! :)
10/8/2013 c15 14JazMitch
I noticed that its been a while since you last updated...please update SOON! This story is awesome! Pretty please, like, super soon! Love it! Hope to see a point where Steph is in danger and Jealous Ranger is never seen too often...;) UPDATE! PLEASE!
9/29/2013 c15 pjcaf
Please finish this story! Hard to believe this is your first are a natural! If writing "smut" is holding you up, you can always leave most of it to our VERY active imaginations.
Seems to me that it's about time for something to go wrong...This is Stephanie, after all.
I look forward to more chapters Don't take too long!
9/15/2013 c15 Nola96
Just stayed up (it's 2am) and read the whole thing. Incredible, erotic, well written, passionate. You've captured the two of the perfectly. I love how you build up the smaller touches and words into this dramatic and beautiful climax. Incredible. Please update!
7/31/2013 c15 8MIBbabe
Love this story. It's like arm chair travel but better because we are with the Cuban sex god.
More please!
7/25/2013 c15 Tiggy318
Great update!
7/24/2013 c15 abw2442
I love getting updates of this story! Great chapter! That dress sounds dangerous! :) looking forward to the next chapter!
7/21/2013 c15 DragonflyFriday
Sounds like caviar isn't the only new thing Stephanie will be trying this evening. Wonderful description of the date; I can tell you put a great deal of thought into it. Thank you for the update, looking forward to the next, as time allows.
7/21/2013 c1 manet1986

Love this story! Glad you are taking your time to make this story come out as you envisioned it! Can't wait to read more as you finish it.

7/21/2013 c1 christibabe
First chapter looks promising. Can't wait to see what the next few chapters have to offer. I will get through it and review each of the chapters, it will take a bit though as I'm working on a few projects of my own. LOL!
7/21/2013 c15 LIZ03
great chapter, but please where on 3 years now, and each update I have to re read the story because I forget whats going on...please update a lot sooner. I understand you have a life, but please
7/20/2013 c15 Guest
WRITE FASTER! I am going to sit here and wait...
7/19/2013 c15 sbabe
Excellent hot chapter. Looking forward to more.
7/19/2013 c15 deviates322
Loved this chapter! Hope we don't have to wait too long for the next ;)
7/19/2013 c15 Babe Love - MM Love
Loved it can't wait for more
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