Just In
for Mission to Love

4/22/2013 c7 Guest
Really liking how this is developing
4/21/2013 c14 DragonflyFriday
Just found this story, and I'm so glad I did! Thank you for writing this, I'm enjoying it a great deal. Looking forward to the next chapter and Ranger's reaction to the dress Ella sent!
4/21/2013 c14 1georgiagirlagain
Either Ella is sneaky, or Ranger knows exactly what she's going to wear. I look forward to finding out!
4/21/2013 c14 Barb4psu
Oh can't wait for the date. Love it!
4/21/2013 c14 sbabe
Thank you for the update. Hope to hear more soon.
4/21/2013 c14 Babe Love - MM Love
shit cant wait to see how they react to her dress. loved it and hope u can post again soon
4/21/2013 c14 2trhodes9
Les just either had a heart attack or stopped breathing or choked to death...or all three a the same time! Ella is wicked! I bet Ranger has no idea what she bought for Steph to wear.
4/21/2013 c14 BabeCakeLvr
Hope you can update this real soon!
4/21/2013 c14 babette7
Glad your muse has returned!
4/21/2013 c14 Tiggy318
Great chapter! So excited to see what happens next!
3/25/2013 c13 4RangeBabe1227
0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o smut smut smut I love smut!
3/24/2013 c12 RangeBabe1227
Well post more I need more!
3/2/2013 c13 42MMBabefanmmm
Oh did not just stop there!

Yay Stephanie!
Finally she has come through all that self-doubt and self-deprication with the simple catalyst of a painting depicting the clear picture of LOVE through the eyes of the artist; to see what everyone else knew and could already clearly see...the love, the desire, now unconditional as she gives in and takes command.
Of course she has to have the painting. Love how Lester was already on that track.
Ranger helping her through her panic attack was so potent and beautiful and taking her out for some happy...the Moulin Rouge. Aw...
Enjoying this story so much.
2/28/2013 c13 7Belle1228
Great Story
2/26/2013 c13 bgrgrmpy
hopefully with time and maybe Majids death steph will recover from her nightmares.

Ranger came up with a great way to spend the it's back to the room for more fun.
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