Just In
for I Think I Will

8/15 c1 VirReturnsFromMinbar
Great story.
7/24/2023 c1 anonymous
I agree. This is probably how they wound up engaged.
1/22/2019 c1 20Drollittle
Lol, that’s hilarious.
5/2/2017 c1 27Lydwina Marie
Oh goodness, this is hilarious! I love Cor and Aravis. More people need to write fics about them. :D Great job!
4/12/2016 c1 Guest
Um, well, I know there had to have been a little bit of attraction there for it to work. Remember the Chronicles were written for children and kids wouldn't much be interested in the romance aspect. You should read "Sparring" by Shrrgnien. They're still quarreling, but then it becomes more romantic, not just "sure, who cares, back to our argument." Your fic wasn't bad though. But what does a book have to do with swords?
9/26/2014 c1 3Merewenna
This is awesome! It's better than some of the other Aravis-Cor engagement fics! :D I always did wonder how they really WOULD have got engaged and married... :P
6/29/2014 c1 44Lt. Basil
Pure hilarious gold.
It's always really bothered me when people right fanfictions with these two just being all mushy lovey-dovey like a pair of lovesick puppy dogs. Part of the reason that I like this couple is because of arguments like these ;)
Quite a refreshing change of pace, I'd say. I like it.
3/1/2012 c1 130Izzyaro
This is perfect! Far more likely than a big romantic proposal.

Really nice work :)
2/28/2012 c1 6CupCakeConundrum
Haha, I totally agree. I could see this being exactly how he proposes...then later realises what they've gotten themselves into.

12/26/2011 c1 10Victorious-Sunflower426
This is my first Aravis and Cor fic, I do not regret it! lol
8/27/2011 c1 2monkeygenius
This made me smile, laugh and nod. I definitely agree that this is MUCH more likely to have happened!

Thanks for writing it :)
8/14/2011 c1 578Rosa Cotton
Funny and wonderful!
6/14/2011 c1 20Austra
This is a much more likely setting. I liked it a lot.
11/24/2010 c1 50King Caspian the Seafarer
Precisely! This makes so much more sense than stories where Cor goes googly eyed and Aravis blushes and such like. Although I do think it amusing to see Corin rib his brother about falling in love. This was splendid. Even the curved blade vs. straight blade at the end made me laugh! Well done!
11/12/2010 c1
Ya, I thought this was really good. And probably how it actually happened.
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