Just In
for I'll be there

9/12/2011 c1 The Terrible Jester
awww! this is so cute. i love it, so much
5/29/2011 c1 13lookmeintheeyesnickjonas
This was so sweet but inkeeping with their characters as well :) Loved it as usual!
4/21/2010 c1 1Love Among the Ruins
Ahh. That last bit really finished it off nicely. I can see why you mightn't be happy with it. It seems to be lacking some emotion, like it's just factual. But saying that, it was still a good fic. So I'm off to see what your best works are like.
4/20/2010 c1 23The Slytherin Devoid
Aww, so cute, poor Sirius i wanna hug him
4/19/2010 c1 4XxiceflamexX
XD Aw, it's sweet. That's probably the most vulnerable I've seen you write Sirius :P x

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