Just In
for Doors in the N Field

1/25/2011 c16 James Birdsong
Oh hm quite a good drabble
1/24/2011 c16 21SilverSeas
Ahh, interesting little drabble there. I think this would also make a fine full-length story, but I'll wait for that poll to come up. At first when I saw Shin, I assumed it was Shinku's counterpart, just because the names were similar :P
1/23/2011 c16 15Anon Fishy-chan
This drabble was very good, but I think that you should continue it and make it a full-length story.
1/12/2011 c15 James Birdsong
Yay. So awesome :D
1/12/2011 c15 21SilverSeas
I really like this drabble! It makes me think; we never find out why the Rozen Maidens were created, do we?

Just one little tip: Whenever you speak to Jun during this, you need to put a comma before saying "boy." You know what I mean? Like your line here should be "My Pain has haunted me for so long, boy."

I really did love this one, though!
1/9/2011 c15 15Anon Fishy-chan
Great chapter! I think Rozen's explanation to what happened to Alice makes sense. I love the line "... they are human in everthing but form". I think it describes the maidens very well.
11/26/2010 c14 Anon Fishy-chan
This chapter was so sad! Of course, it was very good, but I would NEVER want the Rozen Maiden to end like that! NEVER! Also, have you heard the vocaloid songs "Ball Jointed Dolls" (with Miku and Meiko), and "Dolls" (with Rin)? They remind me so much of Rozen Maiden! Sorry for being off topic, I just thought that would intrest you.
11/25/2010 c14 James Birdsong
Beautiful. Excellent.
11/25/2010 c14 14DarkRose Dilettante

Very sad but beautiful and moving at the same time. Well done :) Alice is a tragedy indeed...
11/24/2010 c14 21SilverSeas
Ahh, a Souseiseki one! I do love her 3 And I think this is amazing, it just has a few typos.

Could you tell me which maiden each stanza is referring to? I was able to figure out some of them, but a few still have me stumped.
11/23/2010 c13 James Birdsong
You did alright. You did great.
11/22/2010 c13 SilverSeas
Where to start here? There are so many things that I loved about this poem:

1) I love how you used the same general format for each stanza and yet made them all sound so different.

2) I love especially the divergent words of Suiseiseki and Souseiseki. You showed that though they are twins, they really do have the most opposite views.

3) I love how, in Kirakishou's little stanza, you first said "Even without a body" and then later described her as "Solid."

I think you've done a wonderful job on this one.
11/22/2010 c13 14DarkRose Dilettante
Yes, you did characterise each of them beautifully. :D

Well done, this was really enjoyable to read.
11/21/2010 c13 15Anon Fishy-chan
Even though I haven't seen the anime, I think your portrayal of Barasuishou was good.
11/10/2010 c12 14DarkRose Dilettante
Awww...Loved how you made the spirits animal pets, very appropriate :)

A very lovely chapter that brought a smile to my face :D
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