Just In
for The Woods Outtakes

4/21/2010 c1 8shaid
The first time I ever hallucinated was also the first time I'd gotten high. Scared me enough that I've only smoked up a few times since. The most vivid part of the hallucination? As I was trying to lay down on a sleeping bag (my friend said that took me half an hour) I closed my eyes and could still see the room. Then I would turn my head, and the image would shatter like a mirror; I even heard the crack of the glass and the tinkling as it fell. I also thought my nose had disappeared and asked my friend to help me find it. I think she may have slipped something in my drink.

All other hallucinations have been related to Thai Fish Sauce; I've got an allergy.

That was a wonderful chapter and I had so much fun reading it. I can't wait to read more; thank you for sharing. High Bella was fun.
4/21/2010 c1 2LivingInTheFantasy
woah that was one cool chapter. Morphine is one heck of a thing. Am i right? If only all of us would be able to have the same thing happen to us with Morphine just like Bella. Edgar Allen Poe is a wonderful author. I read some of his stories and I enjoy it. Have you read stories by O. Henry. His stories are also wonderful and enjoyable. I liked this outtake. :) Hopefully more outtakes and chapters of the Woods are lovely, dark , and deep.
4/21/2010 c1 4Kurt-Blaine-endgame
dancing penguin! HAHA that is so funny... i like this and i think its really kool.
4/21/2010 c1 1T.Batt
I'm only a third of the way through this, but I just have to tell you that I might possibly love you. Seriously. This is ridiculously hilarious. If I love you after reading only a third of this, I have a feeling I'm going to propose when I'm done reading.

That was creepy, but you get my point. ;)
4/21/2010 c1 TheTofurkey
This was freaking HILARIOUS. My face was in constant motion throughout this entire piece-I was either smiling, snickering (hehe, mouse orgasm), grinning, twitching, or-scouts honor-laughing out loud. My housemates came into my room to check on me several times. I believe they are now concerned for my sanity, but it was all worth it.

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciated this little reprieve from reality. You are such a talented writer! I honestly believe that if this is something you wanted to do in life then you could. You're entertaining, and creative, and extraordinarily talented with words. I can't wait to read what else you come up with, be it for The Woods or any other story. I'm completely hooked.

Thanks for sharing!
4/21/2010 c1 11MariahajilE
Even if I wasn't hopped up on meds right now, I would totally feel like I was from reading this. C, you have an unbelievable way of describing a scene, making me feel like I'm there. It's so vivid and vibrant! I kinda wanna bottle your talent and sell it on eBay or something. See? Those are the meds talking. *sigh* Alright, I'll stop fan-girling now. :)

I *hearts* you.

Cheerleader Iris
4/21/2010 c1 Shamatt0403
I want to the first to review! I can't tell you how much I love this outtake. It is perfect and goes beyond anything I could have hoped for. The Woods is one of my favorite stories and this just adds to the fun. As I told you in our numerous correspondence I have had many interesting visions and conversations on morphine. No dancing penquins though. Now I just have to think about the next o/s. What to do what to do.

Thanks again and I hope everyone enjoys it too.
4/21/2010 c1 Guineapig8732
a :D :D
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